Online Estimate Preparation For Public Works Department of Maharashtra for Sectional Engineers.

Online Estimate Preparation For Public Works Department

Maharashtra Public Works Department has provided software based solution or support to its JE/Sect Engg/AE-2s so that they can prepare estimates quickly with less efforts.

Here i have tried to prepare stepwise guidelines for preparing estimate online.

Step 1:- Getting into web page

best way to go on webpage is to put address directly on address bar of bowser.

Address--> mahapwd.civistimate.com

one can save it as an Application on Desktop by option available on top menu

Step 2:- Sign up for new users

          As this software is designed for Maharashtra Public Works Department,  end users are JE/Sect. Engg/AE2 who prepares estimates.

The data to be filled while sign up is

1) Mobile number :- It should be working mobile number as OTP is recieved on that number

2) Name of person :- as mentioned above Junior Engineer level officers only can login, as they have to select posts from dropdown list which have above 3 mentioned options only.Also this name appears on estimate automatically.So put name as we expect on estimates.e.g. Y.G.Borse

3) Subdivision:- Subdivision is selected from drop-down list, once Subdivision is selected estimate automatically takes name of Division office, Circle office and Region office.

4) Password:- we have to set password at signup stage itself.

5) OTP:- as soon as mobile number is entered OTP is sent to entered mobile number.Once process is complete we are ready to login.

Step 3:- Start Estimate 

1) Name of work :- Generally name shall be exactly same as mentioned in budget booklet.

2) Select type :- we need to select type of estimate such as estimate for AA or TS.

3) Area :- there are several available options which affects Rate Analysis, e.g. Notified Tribal Area, Sugar cane area, Municipal Area

4) Sanctioning Authority:- As government has given guidelines for powers of sanctioning estimates, the Sanctioning authorities shall be selected accordingly.

Step 4 :- Click on angle sign near estimate number, additional tabs will occur the estimate for further actions, click on 3 dots at right end of this additional tabs, go to settings and provide desired data such as

1) % cess :- which we generally take as 21%

2) Scada :- Yes or No

3 ) Rate rounding factor

Step 5:- Rename the sub estimate 

Step 6:- Go to Measurements , to do so right click on mouse and select open

Step 7:- Type desired item number from DSR, it will automatically appear on screen, click on number appeared on screen, once clicked description will occur automatically.Right click on mouse and click add, new item will occure and repeate same procedure.

If any item is not present in SSR then we can check out other SRs in list provided in above menu or we can pick any item which decsribes somewhat similar job for time sake and write discription below, by dividing final rate to your Lumsum job amount you can add measurements of that quantity which will give you amount as your Lumsum job.

Step 8:- enter measurements,  to do so click on angle sign near item number, measurement rows and columns will appear below, to add additional rows right click on mouse and click add, row will get added. The measurements can be Linked just Like by reference in Excel, so that interlinked measurements gets automatically changed as we make changes in cells on which other cells are dependent.

For Reference formulas:- 

a) N --> Number

b) L --> Length

c) W --> Width

d) H --> Height

Example :- N1.1 --> Number (Multiplication factor) of Measurement List Item 1 and, 1 after decimal point represents row number in measurements.

For Better Understanding Video is attached Below.

Step 9:- Once all items are entered, click on 3 dots on right corner and go to Lead Chart, all desired materials will be listed automatically, enter distance only and lead charges will be taken automatically.For rate difference SSR rate and Current option is provided, provide that value if any difference, specifically in case of Bitumen. click save, check whether lead chart is saved or not in external lead chart, if not saved fill in external lead chart also.

We can change consumption factor factor using right click as shown in below video.

If consumption factor is wrong in output or we need to change final rate we can add a row and after writing description of change the difference can be written as +ve or -ve according to our calculations.

 Grading I and Grading II rate difference calculator in Mahapwd.Civistimate as per PWD Nashik Circle guidelines

Note:- Input values in red only

Lead charges are to be entered manually as i have note kept automatic provision for it.

As these are supporting calculations for Civistimate due to rate modification by Circle office in Grading I and Grading II item, Lead charges can be taken directly from Civistimate rate analysis.

Grading I item description:Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting with Vibratory roller. to the required density. By Mechanical Means - Grading I (Using Screening Type A (13.2) mm Aggregate)

Grading I rate difference calculator in Mahapwd.Civistimate as per PWD Nashik Circle guidelines

Grading II item description:-Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and compacting with vibratory roller to the required density. By Mechanical Means - Grading II (Using Screening Type B (11.2 mm) Aggregate)

Grading II rate difference calculator in Mahapwd.Civistimate as per PWD Nashik Circle guidelines

Step 10:- Draw lead chart, one can can import it also.

Step 11:- write general description

Step 12:- Publish estimate, check published estimate, specially measurements and rate analysis. 

It can be saved as PDF also. Digital Estimate Sanctioning can be done by this way (My humble request to Gov of Maharashtra to do it as it will reduce Paper uses and data can be saved easily.).

Step 13:- Go to DTP and prepare DTP.

A) click on Available options as per requirement, Schedule C and K1, K2 and K3 are must Items for DTP.

The estimates Prepared are can be exported to Excel also then minor changes (if required) can be done there also.

Spreadsheets option is there, which opens spreadsheet similar to Excel, currently I don't know the uses of it but as soon as I come to know I will update the blog.

Any corrections or changes will be appreciated.

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