My Thinking about world

 My Thinking about World

    Universe according to me: - 

             A physical dimension where our life energies are entrapped.

    Earth life according to me: -

            We are energies, which are at currently at physical level. To understand this, we can take reference to Einstein's equation E = M C2. It can be also concluded from the law of physics that "every body try to attain the state of minimum state of potential energy".

            I don't know how many dimensions are there but i assume that the lowermost dimension is physical dimensions (our Universe). We need to upgrade or improve our life energies to understand and to move to higher dimensions which are beyond physical dimensions, due to its non-physical nature these dimensions may be pure energy dimensions. It's just like Electron changing its orbits as per its energy state likewise going higher dimensions or falling to lower dimensions.

            At the certain level of our life energy can move freely through dimensions (Physical or nonphysical dimensions), which is mentioned as "Daiv" in some ancient Indian cultures.

    Time Concept my view: -

            It's just developed concept in human mind to measure some physical world phenomenon such as Speed (S = Distance/time), Velocity, Power (Work/time) etc.

            Thats the reason why time travel is not possible, if it was possible then it's quite obvious that from future many people would have visited their past (which is our present time).

            The concept of Time Dilation observed in watches/clocks may be due to effect of velocity, as we already know spinning motion gives Gyroscopic effect which increases stability. Other reasons may be due to various forces such as magnetic forces, gravitational forces, pressure etc.

            Since the time is experienced in physical world in other dimensions the effect on body, if possible, may not be significant. So, it can be possible that if we thought that we have spent few minutes in other dimension during that period Hundreds of years passed.

    God according to me :- 

    God is the intelligence of this world, which makes things happen. So God is present everywhere.

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