Green Building Concept and Implementation

Green Building Concept and Implementation

Controlling Carbon footprint and net zero energy by achieving following goals in Building structure 

1) Proper illumination

-- use of natural resources to keep structures well lit and illuminated <- Daylit Spaces


-- Low energy LED lighting fixtures

-- BEE star labeled equipment 

2) Proper ventilation and comfort

-- maximum air circulation with good velocity inside the building premises <--Venturi effect can play important role in reducing air pressure and increasing velocity of air giving cooling effect

-- structure shall remain cold in summer and hot in winter 

   --> Insulating building panels from straw

   --> In winter heating effect can be achieved using ground source heat pump system.

  --> Rooftop farming can reduce the heating of terrace slab giving cooling effect.

3) Acceptable views

4) Maximum energy and resource conservation

-- Use of natural energy resources using solar panels,  wind turbines, solar water heater etc.

-- Rainwater harvesting, increasing ground water table by --> Silt wells, Injection wells, Percolating wells etc.<-- results in rejuvenation of old dried bore wells and reduces stress on urban water supply

Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting by Chola Kings

Rainwater Harvesting in Drums

-- Water conservation using 

     -> low flow faucets, innovative flow Controlling devices

5) 3 R's --> Recycle, Reuse and Reduce

-- Reusing old salvaged building materials

--> wastage of Granite or Kota of old dismantled buildings can be used for Parking or Plinth area

--> Brick bats obtained from dismantled buildings can be used for Brick bat coba as waterproofing layer

--> Empty cement bags can be used for soil retaining structures or as shoring for trenches

--> Use of Fly ash-> Product of thermal power plant, Particulate matter which is air pollutant, by using it we can actually improve air quality . It is Green Building product and recommended in LEED & TERI-GRIHA system.

A) In Bricks 

-- i) Benefits :- Low weight --> easy transportation 

-- ii) Uniform shape --> quantity of mortar requirement is reduced

-- iii) Fertile Soil conservation--> Soil quantity used for burnt clay bricks is reduced, saves Agricultural land

--iv) less energy intensive as compared to clay bricks

B) In Cement :- quantity of cement reduced

-- Reusing old furniture 

-- Refurbished particle boards

-- Bath water, Basin water can be reused for flushing in toilets, Magnetic-Microtechnology for waste water treatment.

-- High efficiency drip irrigation

-- Building bricks from plastic waste

-- Building materials from clothing industry residues

-- Bioplastics -> Plastic substitute from cassava starch and Banana fibre, compostible disposable bottles made from recycled wastepaper.

-- Organic composting of biodegradable waste

6) Materials with low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) shall be used

-- VOC  sources in house

-> Carpets and adhesives

-> Sealing caulk

-> Paints

-> Composite wood products

-> Upholstery fabric

-> Solvents

-> Varnishes

-> Vinyl flooring



2) IGBC --> Indian Green Building Council

3) LEED --> Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design -- A certification program developed by U.S. Green Building Council for designing, constructing and certifying green buildings.

4) GSAS 

In progress ............. 

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