Classification of items of repairs of buildings

Classification of items of repairs of buildings in Maharashtra PWD

(1) Current repairs (CR)

Current or ordinary repairs are those which are carried out as matter of routine either annually or periodically. The petty items are normally covered in such type of repairs. These items are as under --

CR-1 Repairs to fixtures and fastenings of doors and windows

CR-2 Repairs to frames and shutters of doors and windows

CR-3 Sanitary and water supply fittings

CR-4 Colour washing, distempering, and patch painting of walls and doors and windows

CR-5 Repairs to floors

CR-6 Repairs to plaster, pointing

CR-7 Repairs to roof such as turning tiles replacement of tiles attending to leakages, Water proofing course, etc.

CR-8 Monsoon protection such as Bamboo matting. etc. 

CR-9 Maintenance of Electric fitting and fixtures

CR-10 Miscellaneous items of similar nature

Estimates of current repairs to building shall be got sanctioned from Executive Engineer of the division annually.
The works to be carried out under current repairs programme should be in consultation with the district head of the concerned department.


These are repairs other than current repairs which are required at long intervals and become necessary from time to time. Such repairs may include following -

SLR-1 Partial Re-roofing

SLR-2 Distempering and Colouring
SLR-3 Replacement of Water supply and Sanitary Pipes
SLR-4 Periodical Oil Painting

SLR-5 Replacement of Electrical wiring
SLR-6 Plaster to walls

SLR-7 Miscellaneous items of special repairs in case of any damage, etc. 

Estimates of special repair remain current till the completion of the repairs in the same manner as those are original works.
The estimates for special repairs to buildings shall be got samctioned from the Superitending Engineer of the circle.The list of the work to be undertaken under special repairs and details of items to be carried out shall have to be got approved in advance from the Superitending Engineer.
Out of the total grant allotted for maintenance and repairs to the building , minimum 50% shall be utilised on special repairs.
Due cognizance should also be taken of the complaints received from user departments.


The objective under this category of repairs include major repairs, which structurally strengths the building prolongs its life, improves the hygienic condition and improves safety of the building.
The items of repairs in brief will be as under -

SDR-1 Renewal of old dilapidated roof with M tiles ,A.C sheets, etc. 
SDR-2 Renewal of Decayed doors and windows.
SDR-3 Re-plumbing to reduced leakages from water pipes and down take pipes.
SDR-4 Guniting and corrosion protection.

SDR-5 Renewal of electric wiring which has outlived its life ( Wherever guniting is done, necessary renewal of electrical wiring should be considered.).
SDR-5A Replacement of motors, pumps, hoists, etc. which have outlived economical life.

SDR-6 Where external walls are wet due to leakages etc. the plastering wok can be undertaken, If that is the cause of leakage.

SDR-7 Water proofing to stop leakage and dampness. 

SDR-8 Plinth protection work, if the building is situated on B.C. soil strata.

SDR-9 drainage improvements including provision of gutters around the plinth, where required.

SDR-10 Reconstruction of old cracked/decayed brick pillars/walls. 

SDR-11 Work of replacements of weather sheds

SDR-12 Renewal of damaged flooring.

Detailed estimates should be prepared for each work of SDR category and should got sanctioned from Chief Engineer of the region before the budget allocation is given for a particular work.
The details of the item to be carried out will have to be got approved from the Chief Engineer.
The estimates to be approved by Chief Engineers should contain broad scopes on the works while detailed working should be left to be approved by the competent technical sanctioning authority at appropriate level.
Only such works and such allotment should be sanctioned which can be completed during a particular financial year.
Thos being special type of work, it may be dangerous to continue the works for a long time.
While preparing estimates for structural repairs, it is necessary to seek guidelines from the higher officers or even from the superintending engineer design circle in some cases as some of the items involves special nature and requires specialized engineering knowledge. The user department also be consulted while finalizing such estimates in order to know their problem and requirements.
For specialized items only expert agencies capable should be employed or the work carried out departmentally (i.e., with departments equipment and not by piece work system)
As soon as work order of specified repairs to the building is given, intimation should be sent by the Executive Engineer to the Vigilance and quality control circle to enable their officers to monitor the quality, safety and progress.

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