Guidelines for Temporary Helipad

 Guidelines for Temporary Helipad

        Temporary helicopter landing sites and/or heliports that are located outside a licensed aerodrome and used by helicopters engaged in carrying VVIPs, VIPs, Government officials under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) conditions. 

        The helicopter operations from landing sites used for private operations on regular basis may also follow the requirement laid in this blog for ensuring safety of helicopter operations. The objective of the policy is to ensure safety during take-off or landing of all helicopters registered in India with DGCA.             

        This Guidelines will cater to majority of the Helicopters operating under DGCA registration and all helicopters up to a maximum all up weight of 5700 Kgs. Helicopters above 5700 Kgs are to follow the relevant instructions as laid own by DGCA. 

Selection of site 

1) Preference will be given to the following sites: 

    a) Within MIDC Area

        Note:- shall not be surrounded by HT Lines/ Power Lines/ Communication Towers etc.

    b) District Police Parade Grounds 

    c) Open Playgrounds 

2) The site should be a level piece of well-drained firm ground, either good grass or solid surface free from loose stones, debris. 

3) The Chosen site should have a clear square area of 52 Metres X 52 Metres. 

4) The approach and take off area to and from the designated landing site should be obstruction free up to a distance of 245 metres from the edge of the Helipad in both the directions. The Approach and Takeoff Area should also be firm in nature to allow a Forced/Emergency landing. 

5) The highest obstruction between 245 metres from the edge of the helipad and 500 metres from the edge of the helipad, in the take-off and approach direction should not be more than 35 metres in height.

6) The site and adjoining area, up to a distance of 500 Metres from the centre of the helipad Site selected, should be free of electric wires, telephone cables, data/tv cables, microwave tower, transformers and any such objects that may become an obstruction for safe operation of the helicopter. 

7) The site should be preferably clear of densely populated areas. 

8) The site should have easy two way access for vehicular movements such as fire brigade and ambulance. 

9) The site should have provisioning of facilities for cordoning off area. The crowd is to be barricaded at least 300 metres from the centre of the landing site and only minimum necessary authorised personnel be allowed to enter the helipad Area. This list is to be 52 M 245 M 500 M No obstruction/ structure with height more than 35 mtrs Nothing Take-off & Approach path 3 approved by the DC/SP. The reception party to receive and see of the VIP will consist of the administrative head, Police Head and Local MP/MLA only. 

10) Existing landing sites at the Police parade grounds and school grounds may be considered as temporary helicopter Landing sites if they are meeting the safety requirements as laid down in point no 3 to 9. 

 11) No flying activity is to be undertaken from a Helicopter landing Site not chosen as per this Policy. (However in case of any Relief operations towards Natural/ Manmade Disasters or Medical Emergencies the DC has the Authority to approve the flying operations in his/her area of responsibility) 

12) The location selected for the site must be approved by the Director Civil Aviation, of the State Government. 

13) The existing sites which are approved by DGCA will continue to be used under intimation to the District Collector.

A list of existing sites that may be used is provided in Annex III 3.11 

Physical characteristics of Helicopter landing site

1) The Helipad should be a clear area of either a Square of 52 m X 52 m or circular in shape with a minimum diameter of 52 m. The helipad is to be clearly demarcated. 

2) Landing Area should be firm in nature and of minimum dimension of 14 m X 14m.The Touchdown area boundary should be marked in white. The touchdown point will be marked by a White H with a dimension of 1.8 m X 3 m. 

3) The Landing area should be capable of taking a weight of 5700 Kgms. 

4) An Approach and Take-off climb surface from the end of the safety area and centred on a line passing through the centre of the Final Approach and Takeoff Area (FATO), should be available for a distance of at least 245 meters with a width of 52 metres.

Visual aids 

    Wind direction indicators

          1) heliport shall be equipped with at least one fixed or portable wind direction indicator. 

2) wind direction indicator shall be located so as to indicate the wind conditions over the Helipad and in such a way as to be free from the effects of airflow disturbances caused by nearby objects or rotor downwash. It shall be visible from a helicopter in flight, in a hover or on the movement area. It should, preferably be not positioned in the direction of Approach and Takeoff. 

3) An indicator should be a truncated cone made of lightweight fabric and should have the following minimum dimensions; 

Surface level helicopter landing site
Length 2.4 m
Diameter (Large end) 0.6 m
Diameter (smaller end) 0.3 m

     Rescue and fire fighting 

1) The District Administration will be responsible to provide the following at the proposed site from 00:45 minutes prior to arrival of the helicopter to 00:30 minutes after the departure: 

a) Fire Tender with a capacity to discharge foam at a rate of 500 litres/minute and carry 50 Kgs of dry chemical powder    

b) Ambulance with minimum of two paramedics. In case of VIP operations, the medical officer will also be available in the Ambulance. 

c) Quick Reaction Team (QRT) for security purpose. 

d) Communication facility from the Helipad to the District HQ and Disaster Control Room.

General safety requirements 

1) The Helicopter operator must pass the Mobile number of the crew and technical personnel to the District Administration. 

2) Subject to the number of movements, system for communicating with aircraft from ground to communicate essential information, either through walkie-talkie/ VHF/ Aldies lamp, is desirable. Aircraft operator / aerodrome owner may either provide facilities themselves or designate/ assign the responsibility to a person for safety of aircraft operations, passengers and people on ground. 

3) The Helipad being utilised is to be suitably watered 15 minutes prior to actual landing and takeoff time to avoid Dust Bowl phenomenon.

Note:- In case of dusty helipad surface, arrangements to keep it dust free 

- Water arrangements 

- Cow dung or similar arrangements 

- Any other means 

4) When such place is used by helicopters carrying VVIP and or VIP, all instructions issued in this regard from time to time, by the Government, shall be complied with during such operations. 

5) All flight from the landing sites will operated with valid FIC and ADC. 

6) Necessary arrangement for picketing /mooring of helicopter should be made for overnight parking as well as at aerodromes likely to be affected by strong winds/ weather.

No Objection Certificate

No Objection Certificate for Helicopter landing at 

 _______________ _____ Helipad, District _______ ___ , on ________ ___. 

This to certify that the ___________________Helipad situated at _______________, 

 Taluka (Name of Place)_________________ , District __________________, confirms to the stipulations laid down in the Helipad Policy issued by the Government of Maharashtra vide Government Resolution No. ________/0118/CR- _______/ 28A dated : ___________ 

 January, 2018 and the prevalent Regulations laid down by the Director General of Civil Aviation, Government of India, the details of which are as follows : 

1. Size of Helipad (In Meters) : ________________________________ 

2. Lat./Long. Coordinates : ____, ____, ____, N ; ____, ____, ____, E. (Degrees/Min/Secs) (Degrees/Min/Secs) 

3. Cordoned area surrounding Helipad : ________________________________ 

4. Kind of Terrain (Hard/ Soft) : ________________________________ 

5. Take Off/Approach Clearance : ________________________________ (As per Circular dated : ___________________________ ) 

6. Obstruction Height and Direction : ________________________________ From Helipad (Distance in Meters) 

7. Safety services provided 

a) Fire Engine : ________________________________ 

b) Fire Extinguisher (Foam Type) : ________________________________ 

c) Ambulance : ________________________________ 

8. Any additional information : ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________. 

 The above Helipad specifications have been inspected by Shri __________________, Ex.Engineer, ______________ (Name of the area), P.W.D. and confirmed by me. 

Sign : _________________________ 

Name : _________________________ 

(Collector/ Resident Deputy Collector) 

Date: ___/_____/________ District : _______________________

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