Precautions to be taken concreting of girders around bearings

Precautions to be taken concreting of girders around bearings

It has been observed in a number of bridge works that concrete spills over and around the bearings, Joining them and rendering them ineffective. This appears to be the result of improper girder form work in the region of the bearings.

Hence, to ensure against such spilling of concrete the arrangements detailed in the below sketches is recommended for adoption.

Section in Elevation 

Cross Section

Extreme care should be taken to see that:

i) The asphalt pad and planks around the bearings abutments against the bearing plate leaving no gap.

ii) As an additional precaution 1/16" tar paper is suggested to be laid over the top of the bearing plate.

iii) The asphalt pad and planks around the bearing should be removed at the time of striking of girder centering and must not be left in place.

The above arrangement applies to articulations of balanced cantilever girders also.

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