Ratio wise R.A. and Final Bills payment amount calculations using Excel

Ratio wise R.A. and Final Bills payment amount calculations using Excel

    Current Issues

        Given the complexity of managing pending bills and the distribution of funds, which often arrive in multiple installments, it is imperative to ensure equilibrium across various projects and payments to contractors. To achieve this equilibrium, a prudent approach involves allocating funds proportionately based on the ratio of received funds to outstanding bills.

        Simultaneously, it's crucial to focus on bills that are nearing completion and can be concluded with necessary adjustments. This goal can be accomplished by meticulously analysing the existing bills, utilizing user-friendly tools like Microsoft Excel to facilitate the process.

        Within this article, my endeavour is to elucidate both the methodology of calculating contractor payments in proportion to the funds received, while also addressing the finalization of works that have reached at Final Bill stage and are amenable to conclusion.

    Illustrative Example

    Grand Received = 900
    Expected Payment = 8118.5
    Final bill payments = 440.5
    R.A. Bill Payments = 7678
    Grand for R.A. Bills = 459.5
    Sr. No. Work Name Work cost Expenditure Demand Bill Stage Bill to be given
    1 A 550 275 275 16.457
    2 B 592 296 296 17.714
    3 C 160 80 80 Final 80
    7 G 748 374 374 22.382
    8 H 705 352.5 352.5 21.095
    9 I 515 257.5 257.5 15.410
    10 J 970 485 485 29.025
    11 K 178 89 89 Final 89
    12 L 863 431.5 431.5 25.823
    13 M 851 425.5 425.5 25.464
    14 N 185 92.5 92.5 Final 92.5
    15 O 414 207 207 12.388
    16 P 815 407.5 407.5 24.387
    17 Q 935 467.5 467.5 27.978
    18 R 781 390.5 390.5 23.369
    19 S 394 197 197 11.789
    20 T 813 406.5 406.5 24.327
    21 U 509 254.5 254.5 15.230
    22 V 181 90.5 90.5 Final 90.5
    23 W 177 88.5 88.5 Final 88.5
    24 X 994 497 497 29.743
    25 Y 717 358.5 358.5 21.454
    26 Z 841 420.5 420.5 25.165
    27 [ 808 404 404 24.177
    28 \ 697 348.5 348.5 20.856
    29 ] 844 422 422 25.255

     Sum of Bills to given is 900 which is equal to grand received, at the same time Bills at Final stage are paid full bill to finalise the work.

    Formulas Used

    Column Information :

    Sr. No.              = A
    Work Name      = B; Filled Manually
    Work cost         = C; Filled Manually
    Expenditure      = D; Filled Manually
    Demand            = E; Filled Manually
    Bill Stage          = F; Filled Manually
    Bill to be given = G ; obtained from formula

    Formulas :

    Grand Received = To be filled Manually

    Expected Payment = SUM(E8:E75) 

    Final bill payments = SUMIF($F$8:$F$70,"Final",$E$8:$E$70)

    R.A. Bill Payments = C3-C4

    Grand for R.A. Bills = C2-C4

    Bill to be given =IF(F8="Final",E8,($C$6/$C$5)*E8)

                        F8          --> Corresponding Bill Stage
                        E8          --> Corresponding Bill Demand
                        $C$6      --> Grand for R.A. Bills (Calculated from above formula)
                        $C$5      --> Pending R.A. Bill Payments (Calculated from above formula)

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