Important Extracts from Maharashtra Public Works manual

 Important Extracts from Maharashtra Public Works manual

1) Check measurements by the Executive Engineer -

Government of Maharashtra, Irrigation and Power Department, Government Circular No. CAT-1066/1 9307-Insp. Unit, Sachivalaya, Bombay-32-BR D/- 13-12-1968.

Note:- Replace Following values as per latest GR (GOVERNMENT CIRCULAR)

A. The concluding portion of exception 4 below item a(i) viz. "i.e. when the value of measurements exceed Rs. 50,000" should be replaced by the following.

"i.e. when the cost of the whole work (as distinct from the value of the individual contract) exceed Rs. 50,000 /-.

B. The following should be inserted before the second sentence starting with the words "The Executive Engineer" in line sic of Item a(iii).

"when the estimated cost of work exceeds Rs. 10,000/-.

    Necessary correction slip to Appendix 21 of the Maharashtra Public Works Manual will be issued separately.

2) Rules for taking measurements and keeping measurement books and review of measurement books.

Government of Maharashtra, Buildings and Communications Department, Resolution PINM - 1168/21330 - I Sachivalaya, Bombay-30 BR D / - 4 - 7 - 1970


Government has done following changes made in the "Maharashtra Public Works Manual (4th Edition, 1963): -

1. The form given in Rule 5(iv) in Appendix 22 to the Maharashtra Public Works Manual should be changed as follows:

Review Notes
Pages reviewed. Date. Of review. Dated S.A.C. Initials of D. A.
1 2 3 4

2. The rule 17 in Appendix 21 of the Maharashtra Public Works Manual is deleted.

2 This Government Resolution issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide that Dept's reference No. 11092/252/68 VIII dated 24-12-1968, the Accountant General, Maharashtra State Bombay, with reference to his reference No. WMI-G-511 dated 25-5-1970 and the Irrigation and Power Department vide that Department's Note dated 25-9-1968.

3) System of recording measurements.

Government of Maharashtra,Irrigation and Power Department, Government Circular No. C-T567/G-7266-Insp.Unit, Sachivalaya, Bombay-32 BRD/-10-7-1968


Rule 10 in the Appendix 21 to the Maharashtra Public Works Manual prescribed that all measurements of work or materials should be recorded in the authorized measurement books at once and on the spot and a certificate to this effect be recorded thereon under the dated signature of the Officer recording them. There are, however, certain items like excavation, embankment etc., where the direct recording of measurements in the measurement hooks on spot is not possible. The measurements of such items are, therefore, computed from cross sections based on the levels recorded in the field books. In order, therefore, to bring such cases within the purview of rules consistently with the provision of rule 16, Government is pleased to direct that the said rule 10 be amended by substituting the following for the first sentence of the rule.

"All work done, and materials supplied shall be measured, counted or weighted as the case may be and recorded in the authorized measurement books at once and on the spot and a certificate to this effect furnished therein under the dated signature of the Officer recording them. The measurements in respect of items where levels are required to be taken may be computed from cross sections based on details recorded in ink in the field book on site of work".

4) Recording of measurements for earth work excavation in measurement books.

Building's and Communications Department, Sachivalaya, Bombay-32 BR D/-4-4-1968

No. CAT-1267/14067-1 forwarded in continuation of Government endorsement Buildings and Communications Department No. CAT-1267/ 14067-I dated 18-5-1967.

2. The Local Officers are requested to follow the procedure contained in the Circular of Chief Engineer Central Public Works Department No. CE/Acctt./233. dated 7-2-1968 except that instead of recording measurement as per Appendix I & II in the field book, the same should be maintained in a separate register which should be kept as a permanent record with the field books. Similarly, the interim payments should not be made on borrow pit measurements but, the alternate interim payments should be on

i) cross sectional measurements and

ii) length, average width and average height of the bank.

It should be seen that no excess payments is involved in the interim payment based on length, average width and height.

Below copy of Circular No. CE/ACCTT/233 dated 7-2-1968 from the Chief Engineer, Central Public Works Dept., New Delhi along with copies of accompanying Appendices I and II regarding "Recording of Measurements for earth Work excavation in measurement bock.

Subject: Recording of measurements for earth work excavation in measurement books.

It has been decided that the procedure de tai led below should be followed by Central Public Works Dept., Divisions for recording of measurements in earth work excavation.

1. In addition to measurement books there should be a level book which should contain columns mentioned in Appendix I and II (copies enclosed). The columns given in these appendixes should be provided on alternative pages.

2. The level books should be serially numbered, and pages machine numbered. They should be issued in the same way as measurement books.

3. The particulars recorded in the level book shall be referred to only in final payment stage. Intermediate payments to the contractors can be made on borrow pit measurement basis.

4. Contractors signatures shall be obtained on the plan containing original ground levels in black ink and formation levels, In red ink. The signatures of the contractors shall be obtained in the level field book also. For running account payments, contractor's signatures shall be obtained in the measurement books (for borrow pit measurements).

The above procedure should be carefully noted for strict compliance by all concerned in future. These instructions should be brought to the notice of all Sub- Divisional Officers and Sub Overseers for compliance.
Appendix I
Distance Ground Level Formation Level Depth of Cutting Depth of Filling Avg. Depth of Cutting Avg. Depth of Filling Base Width Area in (Sq.m) in Cutting Area in (Sq.m) in Filling
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Appendix II
Abstract of Quantities for cutting and Filling in Levelling in Area
Cross section at road Area of Cutting Area of Filling Avg. Area of Cutting Avg. Area of Filling length work in Cutting Quantity earth work in Cutting length work in Filling Quantity earth work in Filling
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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