Bitumeninous mix consumption calculations

Bituminous mix Consumptions on Site

                    Important Formulae

$$Density = {Mass\over Volume}$$

$$Volume = {Width \times {\text {Loose Thickness}} \times {Length}}$$

For Loose thickness calculation for desired compacted thickness of Bituminous concrete follow this link  --> Loose Thickness calculations

$$Volume = {Mass\over Density}$$

$$Length = {Volume\over {Width \times {\text {Loose Thickness}}}}$$

Sample Example is as shown below

Example 1)

                     Density of carpet                                                        2.2          MT/ m3

                     Mass of Bituminous mix in Truck                              22 MT           

                     Hence Volume of Mix in Truck                                 10  m3             

                     Loose Thickness                                                        30   mm

                     Width of Road                                                           3.75 m

                     Cross Sectional Area                                                 0.1125  m2

                     Length covered/Load                                               88.89 m

                     Loads required Per Km                                           11.25 Nos

Example 2)

                     Density of carpet                                                        2.2          MT/ m3

                     Mass of Bituminous mix in Truck                              30 MT           

                     Hence Volume of Mix in Truck                                 13.64  m3             

                     Loose Thickness                                                        25   mm

                     Width of Road                                                           3.75 m

                     Cross Sectional Area                                                 0.094  m2

                     Length covered/Load                                               145.45 m

                     Loads required Per Km                                           6.875 Nos

Example 3)

                     Density of carpet                                                        2.2          MT/ m3

                     Mass of Bituminous mix in Truck                              30 MT           

                     Hence Volume of Mix in Truck                                 13.64  m3             

                     Loose Thickness                                                        25   mm

                     Width of Road                                                           5.5 m

                     Cross Sectional Area                                                 0.1375  m2

                     Length covered/Load                                               99.17 m

                     Loads required Per Km                                           10.08 Nos

Bitumen %

Problem:-  Suppose we failed to send the sample of Carpet mix having 3.3% Bitumen content by volume, and if we want to take core sample of Carpet material after Seal coat of dose 1 kg/sq.m, then what will be effective bitumen content in sample taken on 20 mm thick Carpet?

Solution :- 

            Carpet thickness = 20 mm

            so 1 cu.m carpet covers = 1/0.02 = 50 sq.m area

          $${Bitumen\over Aggregates} = {3.3\over 96.7}$$

            50 sq.m area requires = 50 kg bitumen

            Density of Bitumen = 1013.1 kg/cu.m

            Volume of Bitumen over 50 sq.m area = 50/1013.1 kg = 0.04935 cu.m

            Initial Volume of Bitumen in carpet per cu.m mix = 0.033 cu.m

            After sealcoat Volume of Bitumen = 0.033 + 0.04935 =0.08235 cu.m

        Total volume of mix = 0.08235 + 0.967 = 1.04935 cu.m

        Effective Bitumen % after sealcoat in Extracted sample =  0.08235\1.04935 = 7.847 %

 Bitumen Consumptions for various bituminous mixes

1) Open graded Premix Surface


Method 1

                     Quantities of materials required for per 10 m2  

                      Thickness of Premix Carpet     20 mm              



                                 Nominal stone 13.2 mm (22.4-11.2)              0.18 m3            

                                 Nominal stone 11.2 mm (13.2-5.6)                0.09 m3

                                                                                Total Aggregates        0.27 m3



                         For 0.18 m3 of 13.2 mm nominal size at 52 kg à        9.36 Kg

                         For 0.09 m3 of 11.2 mm nominal size at 56 kg à        5.04 Kg

                                                                                                Total = 14.4 Kg/ m2

                                                                                                i.e.           0.00144 MT/ m2


                                in 20 mm thickness 50 sq.m area can be covered                                  

                so for 50 mm sq.m area quantity required  = 72 Kg/ m3


Method 2                                                                                                                                     

                     Density of carpet                        2.2          MT/ m3

                     % of bitumen                              3.30%           

                     Density of bitumen                    1.01             

                     Mass of Premix carpet              0.071881   MT

                     Mass of Premix carpet              71.88119   Kg

                     thickness of carpet                     20         mm

                     area covered in 1 m3 quantity                50 m2

                     consumption /m2               0.001438 MT/m2

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