Calculation of Loose Thickness from Expected Compacted Thickness of Bituminous layers
In SSR items of Bituminous layers such as DBM, BM, BC and OGC etc. are given in terms of Compacted thickness, as we know these layers need to be rolled by which its resultant thickness reduces.
here thing is to be noted that there are chances that after immediate rolling by roller, the compacted thickness may further compacted by Traffic over the road surface and hence both compactions need to be considered.
Calculator to be used is as follows-
Step 1:- Calculate Initial Void ratio (For loose /Un-compacted material)
It can be calculated in lab, lets assume initial void as 60%
Step 2:- Decide Compacted thickness of layer to be Achieved
This value is taken from SSR item description
lets assume as 50 mm
step 3:- Expected quantity to be filled by filler material
This depends on binder quantity or dosage,
lets take it 25%
step 4:- Assumed compaction due to Vehicular Live Load, which will be applied on compacted thickness
Assume as 10%
step 5:- Calculation for loose thickness factor
It can be calculated using formula below
Qf =
Quantilty of filler materials in %
Vi = initial void ratio
Assumed compaction due to Live Load traffic
Loose thk = Loose thk factor X Compacted thk
Loose thk = 1.375 X 50 = 68.75 mm
Note:- In step 4, we have assumed 10% FUTURE compaction due to Vehicular live load, does that mean we have to specify some % deductions to be made from quanity of work in running account bills to account for future settlment in road layers.
Suggestions or Improvements will be appreciated 👍
If you have any doubts, suggestions , corrections etc. let me know