Design and Construction of Flexible Pavement

    Design and Construction of Flexible Pavement

    Pavement forms a major chunk of the Public Works department and optimum & sound design is key to save on future recurring maintenance, the Contracts from NHAI, MoRTH, State PWD’s which are on EPC, HAM, PPP mode call for contractors own design. Most projects entail combination work of new crust (widening) and rehabilitation/ reconstruction of existing pavement. Very important to asses the existing pavement, site conditions, material availability, traffic etc. for finalization of pavement crust. For department point of view it is important to asses whether the desig submitted by DPR consultant, EPC contractor is as per the site conditions and codal provisions.

Important IRC Guidelines for  Design and construction of flexible pavement

New pavement design

    IRC:37-2018 -->  Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements --> Applicable to new road, widening portions, reconstruction of damaged pavements

Overlay Design of existing flexible pavement

    IRC:081-2014 --> Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements Using Benkelman Beam Deflection Technique (BBD)

    IRC:115-2014--> Guidelines for Structural Evaluation and Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)


Flexible pavement consists of layered system of materials which distributes the wheel loads to the foundation.



Aggregate interlock within the material of various layers is main mode of load transfer to underlying layers and foundation Subgrade.
Load transfer by aggregate interlock

Wheel load acting on the pavement surface distributed over a wider area and stress intensity will decrease with depth.

Load distribution over wider area with depth

Stress distribution with depth

Objective of pavement design is Safe transfer of the Loads to foundations without damage to structural layers.


Subgrade Layer--> Existing soil or Constructed Embankment, The natural soil material upon which the pavement structure is built

Soil Subgrade

Density Requirement of embankment and subgrade materials
SR. No.Type of workMax Dry Density as per IS:2720 Part 8
1Embankment upto 3 m.Not less than 15.2 KN/M3
Not subject to extensive flood1.52 T/m3
2Embankment upto 3 m.heightNot less than 16 KN/M3
subject to Long Inundation.1.52 T/m3
3Sub grade and earthen shoulders/verges/backfillNot less than 17.5 KN/M3

Soil Subgrade

Sub-base course Layer--> Layer under the base layer. (GSB, Cement treated Soil Subbase (CTSB), WBM) – Main function is Drainage
Note:- Drainage layer properly designed so that drainage coefficient of 20 m /day is obtained.
Granular Sub-Base conforming to clause 401 of MORTH specifications. Sub base material shall have minimum soaked CBR value of 30%
Granular Sub-base shall be atleast 300 mm above the invert level of the drain.

Subbase course 

Grading for granular sub base material ( as per MORTH page 109)

IS sieve in mm% by weight passing the IS Sieve
Grading 1Grading 2Grading 3Grading 4Grading 5Grading 6
75100 - - -100100
9.535-6550-80 - -35-6535-65
4.7525-5540-65 10 - 3015-3525-9025-90
2.3620-4030-50- - 10-20 10-20
0.85 - -- - 2-10 2-10
0.425 10 - 15 10 - 15 - - 0-5 0-5
0.075<5 td=""><5 td=""><5 td=""><5 td=""> - -

Physical requirement for material for GSB
Aggregate impact value (AIV)IS 2386 part 4 or IS 564040 % max
Liquid limitIS 2720 part 525 % max
Plasticity IndexIS 2720 part 56 % max
CBR at 98 % dry density (at IS 2720 part 8)IS 2720 part 5min 30 unless specified in contract

Base course Layer--> layer directly below the HMA layer and generally consists of aggregate (either stabilized or unstabilized). 

Base layer can be - 

        1) WBM --> Water Bound Macadam -->  IRC:19

        2) WMM --> Wet Mix Macadam --> IRC:109

        3) Crusher run macadam --> clause 410 MORTH

        4) bituminous macadam conforming clause 504 of MORTH in combination with GSB

Base course

Physical Requirement of Cource Aggregates for WBM for Sub-base/base course
Type of testTest MethodBase On CourseWhen WBM used for sub-base courses
Loss angeles abrasion valueIS 2386 part 440% max0.5
Aggregate Impact valueIS 2386 part 430% max0.4
Combined Flakiness and elongation IndicesIS 2386 part 135% max

Grading Requirement of course aggregates for WBM for subbase/base course
Size RangeIS Sieve size% by wt.passing
Grading 163 mm to 45 mm75  mm100
63  mm90-100
53  mm25-75
45  mm0-15
22.4  mm0-5
Grading 253 mm to 22.4 mm63  mm100
53  mm95-100
45  mm65-90
22.4  mm0-10
11.2  mm0-5

Note:- Screening should normally consists of same material as the coarse aggregates. however where economic consideration, non plastic material such as murum or gravel (other than rounded river born material) with liquid limit less than 20 and plasticity index less than 6 may be used, fraction passing 75 micron does not exceed 10%

Size Of ScreeningIS Sieve size% by wt. passing
A13.213.2  mm100
11.2  mm90-100
5.6  mm25-75
180  micron0-15
B11.211.2  mm100
9.5  mm95-100
5.6  mm65-90
180  micron0-10

Grading Requirements of Aggregate for wet mix macadam For base courses
53.00  mm100
45.00  mm95-100
26.50  mm-
22.40  mm60-80
11.20  mm40-60
4.75  mm25-40
2.26  mm15-30
600  micron 8-22
75  micron0-5
Material finer than 425 micron shall have plasticity index (PI) not exceeding 6

Binder & Surface course Layer-->Top layer that comes in contact with traffic composed of one or several different HMA sublayers (BM,DBM, BC/AC,SMA)

Note:- Granular base shall be primed with prime coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous material of appropriate type conforming MORTH/BIS specifications, preparatory to the superimposition of bituminous treatment or mix.
The profile corrective course shall not form part of the overlay thickness.

Binder Course

Consumption For Binder & Surface course Layers used in Maharashtra PWD.

BBM 75 mm
Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)0.2M.T.
Aggregates  12 mm1.8Cu.Mt.
Trap metal 40 mm blasted9Cu.Mt.

BBM 50 mm
Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)0.175M.T.
Aggregates  12 mm1.8Cu.Mt.
Trap metal 40 mm blasted6Cu.Mt.

Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)0.3M.T.
Aggregates  22.4 to 2.36 mm1.3Cu.Mt.
Aggregates  53 to 2.8 mm10Cu.Mt.

BM 3.3%
Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)7.24M.T.0.033
Aggregates  37.5 to 25 mm22.21Cu.Mt.
Aggregates  25 to 10 mm53.9Cu.Mt.
Aggregates  10 to 5.5 mm35.38Cu.Mt.
Aggregates below 5.6 mm22.21Cu.Mt.

BM 3.4%
Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)7.989M.T.0.034
Aggregates  37.5 to 25 mm22.21Cu.Mt.
Aggregates  25 to 10 mm53.9Cu.Mt.
Aggregates  10 to 5.5 mm35.38Cu.Mt.
Aggregates below 5.6 mm22.21Cu.Mt.

DBM 4.5%
Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)11.16M.T.0.045
Aggregates  37.5 to 25 mm32.4Cu.Mt.
Aggregates  25 to 10 mm19.15Cu.Mt.
Aggregates  10 to 5.6 mm27.989Cu.Mt.
Aggregates below 5.6 mm61.82Cu.Mt.
Stone dust4.42Cu.Mt.

BC 5.5%
Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)13.92M.T.0.055
Aggregates 13.2 to 10 mm44.76Cu.Mt.
Aggregates  10 to 5.6 mm37.303Cu.Mt.
Aggregates below 5.6 mm64.16Cu.Mt.
Stone dust

Open graded Premix Surfacing 20 mm thick
Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)0.244M.T.20 mm thick
Aggregates 13.2 to 5.6 mm2.7Cu.Mt.
Aggregates below 5.6 mm0.9Cu.Mt.

Closed graded Premix Surfacing 20 mm thick
Bitumen VG 30 (Bulk) (60/70)0.19M.T.20 mm thick
Aggregates 13.2 to 0.09 mm2.7Cu.Mt.


Wheel load acting on pavement will be distributed to a wider area, and the stress decreases with the depth.
Taking advantage of this stress distribution characteristic, flexible pavement is constructed in many layers.
Top layer has to be of best quality to sustain maximum stress, in addition to wear and tear.
Lower layers will experience lesser magnitude of stress and lower quality material can be used as compared to top layer.
New pavement surface shall satisfy following standards
    1) Roughness in each lane measured < 2000 mm/km for each by calibrated BI lane in a km length
    2) Rutting, Cracking or any other distresses - nil


Two important design concepts for Flexible Pavement which require close attention from Engineer are:         
    • Structural Design to decide the layer thicknesses, layer configuration, material type etc. 
    • Mix Design to formulate recipe for the actual Hot Mix that forms the Job-Mix formula 

In the IRC guidelines, the mix design parameters for Hotmix layers have been integrated in calculation of the stresses and strains during structural design thus effectively combining both Structural and Mix design, hence equal importance to Hotmix Mix Design is also very important


Subgrade strength 

    • California Bearing Ratio CBR (%) :- 

Step 1) Soil Sampling is done, CBR value for each sample is calculated, then 90 percentile CBR value is taken as CBR value of Subgrade of Existing Pavement location.

Step 2) CBR value of Borrow pit material is Calculated

Step 3) Effective CBR from 90 percentile CBR value of existing pavement and CBR value of borrow pit material is obtained from graph of Fig 5.1 of IRC:37 

Lab Testing CBR

Field CBR Testing

    • Existing Soil subgrade / Borrow area soil 

    • Subgrade Resilient Modulus (Mpa) 

Subgrade Soil 

    Top 500 mm of soil is known as Subgrade 

    Strength measured in terms of % CBR & modulus 

    Samples collected at every 500 to 1000 m or where soil strata changes to give proper representation 

    Soil sample collected at depth of average 1 to 1.25 m (from existing BT) for widening portions 

    Subgrade material should have dry density not less than 1.75 g/cc 

Subgrade Compaction with Vibratory Soil Compactor

Compaction Requirement of embankment and subgrade
SR. No.Type of workRelative compaction as % of Max laboratory Dry Density as per IS:2720 Part 8
1Embankment Not subject to extensive floodNot less than 95%
2Sub grade and earthen shoulders/verges/backfillNot less than 97%


    • Average Daily Traffic (CVPD) 

    • Million Standard Axles (MSA) 

Material Strength/ properties 

    • Resilient Modulus of GSB, WMM, DBM, BC, CTB etc 

    • Poisson ratio


    CBR (California Bearing Ratio) is a penetration test for evaluating the strength of Soil Subgrade 

    CBR represents the % of load taken by a Soil sample as compared to a Standard sample of crushed stones 

    4 Day soaked CBR test is conducted to simulate worst condition for subgrade soil in field 

    Minimum CBR for design 8 % 

    Soil classification, liquid limit, Plastic limit, PI values, FSI etc to assess suitability for use 

Traffic Factors 

Initial Traffic – Commercial Vehicles Per Day (CVPD) 

    Commercial vehicle – gross weight > 3000 Kg 

    Collected by conducting 7 days 24 Hour Classified Traffic Volume Count 

Traffic Growth Rate 

    Based on last Traffic counts (past trends) 

    If adequate data not available then 5.00 %

Design Life (Years) 

    20 years for NH, SH and Urban Roads 

    Highways with very high intensity >300MSA- 30 years 

    20 years for Expressways 

    15 years for Other Category Roads

Vehicle Damage Factor 

    Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF) - multiplier for converting number of commercial vehicles of different axle loads and configurations to number of standard axle-load repetitions.

    Every passage of a vehicle cause a certain amount of damage 

    Degree of damage depends on gross weight, number of axles and configuration of wheels. 

    e.g 13 Ton on single axle causes almost 12 times more damage than 13 Ton tandem axle 

    Gross load is transferred to pavement surface over a wider area by more number of axles and wheels


$$VDF = {\text{ Total damaging effect}\over \text{Number of  vehicles weighed}}$$

$$\text{Total damaging effect} ={\left(\text{Actual Weight of axle}\over \text{Standard weight of Axle}\right)}^4$$

General Load data

Front Axle = 6600 kg

Rear Axle = 8160 kg

Tandem Axle = 14968 kg

Tridem Axle = 22400 kg

If no Actual load survey is done then for design VDF can be taken from following table

Initial trafficRolling TerrainHilly Terrain
0 - 150 CVPD1.70.6
150 -15003.91.7
> 150052.8

Lane Distribution Factor

    Single Lane – 1.00 (both sides) 

    Two lane – 0.75 (both sides) 

    Four Lane Single Carriageway – 0.4 (both sides) 

    Dual Carriageway 

        Two lane dual carriageway - 0.75 of traffic in each direction

        Three lane dual carriageway 0.60 of traffic in each direction

        Four lane dual carriageway 0.45 of traffic in each direction

Design Traffic - MSA

$${N_c} ={{365\times A[{(1+r)^n}-1]}\over r}\times F \times D$$


Nc = Cumulative Standard Axles to be catered for in the design in Million Standard Axles 

A = Initial traffic, after completion of construction, in terms of commercial vehicles per day (CVPD) 

r = Annual growth rate of commercial traffic. 

n = Design life in years 

F = VDF (number of standard axles per Commercial axle) 

D = Lane Distribution Factor

Standard design catalogues in IRC 37 2018

    Design catalogues are provided for ready reference in IRC 37 2018 one example as shown below

    Various combination of pavement layers for CBR from 5 to 15 % and traffic upto 50 MSA are given.

Using catalogues one can design  flexible pavements, one example is demonstrated in video 

    Separate charts for conventional pavement crust, CTB, CTSB layers, Foam bitumen stabilized RAP material, SAMI 

    For pavements with CTB separate fatigue analysis is also required using the Axle Load spectrum data


• Pavement design involves designing pavement for satisfactory Functional and Structural performance of the pavement during intended service life period. 

Roughness caused by variation in surface profile, Cracking of layers -bituminous or cementitious materials, Rutting (permanent or plastic deformation) of unbound/unmodified or partially modified subgrade, granular layers and bituminous layers are primary indicators of the functional and structural performance of pavements.


1) Fatigue Cracking Area above 20 %

2) Rutting above 20 mm


    Performance is explained by performance models either (a) purely empirical (only based on past experience) or (b) mechanistic-empirical, in which the distresses/performance are explained in terms of mechanistic parameters such as stresses, strains and deflections

    Most of the current pavement design methods follow Mechanistic Empirical approach for the design of bituminous pavements. 

    For each of the selected structural distresses, critical mechanistic parameter is identified and controlled to an acceptable (limiting) value in the design process. 

    The limiting values of these critical mechanistic parameters are obtained from the performance models.

    Vertical compressive strain on top of the subgrade is considered to be the critical mechanistic parameter for controlling subgrade rutting. 

    Horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of the bottom bituminous layer is taken as the mechanistic parameter which has to be limited to control bottom-up cracking in bituminous layers. 

    Similarly, to ensure that the Cement Treated Bases (CTB) do not fail by fatigue cracking, tensile strain and tensile stress at the bottom of the CTB are considered to be the critical parameters to control.


• Design reliability probability that pavement section will perform satisfactorily over the design period

IRC Guidelines recommend 90% reliability performance equations for subgrade rutting and fatigue cracking of bottom bituminous layer for all important roads such as Expressways, NH, SH and Urban Roads 

• For other categories of roads, 90 % reliability is recommended for design traffic of 20 msa or more and 80 % reliability for design traffic less than 20 msa.

For 80% reliability

$${N_R}= 4.1656 \times {10^{-08}}\times{{\left[1\over \epsilon_v \right]}^{4.5337}}$$

For 90% reliability

$${N_R}= 1.41 \times {10^{-08}}\times{{\left[1\over \epsilon_v \right]}^{4.5337}}$$


NR = Subgrade Rutting life (cumulative equivalent number of 80 KN Standard axle loads that can be served by the pavement before the critical rut depth of 20 mm or more occurs)

ε= Vertical compressive strain at the top of the subgrade calculated using Linear elastic layered theory by applying standard axle load at the surface of selected pavement system.


    An average rut depth of 20 mm or more, measured along the wheel paths, is considered as critical or failure rutting condition.

For 80% reliability

$${N_f}= 1.6064 \times {10^{-04}}\times{{\left[1\over \epsilon_t \right]}^{3.89}}\times{{\left[1\over M_{Rm} \right]}^{0.854}}$$

For 90% reliability

$${N_f}= 0.5161 \times {10^{-04}}\times{{\left[1\over \epsilon_t \right]}^{3.89}}\times{{\left[1\over M_{Rm} \right]}^{0.854}}$$


    Fatigue cracking (appearing as inter connected cracks), whose total area in section of road under consideration is 20 % or more than paved surface area, is considered critical or failure condition.


To Calculate stress and strains at top and bottom of various layers IIT pave software can be used.

Inputs in IIT pave are as shown below


For CBR ≤ 5%

$${M_{RS}}=10\times CBR$$

For CBR > 5%

$${M_{RS}}=17.6\times (CBR)^{0.64}$$

2) Load

3) Tyre Pressure

4) Depth

5) Poisson Ratio

6) Thickness

7) Radius

Output of IIT pave software is as shown below

Recommended Material properties for structural layers

Material Type Elastic\Resilient Modulus (MPa) Poisson's ratio
Bituminous layer with VG40 or modified bitumen 3000 or tested value whichever is less 0.35
Bituminous layer with VG30 2000 or tested value whichever is less 0.35
Cement treated base 5000 0.25
Cold recycled base 800 0.35
Granular Interlayer 450 0.35
Cement treated Sub-base 600 0.25
Unbound Granular layers Use eq. 7.1 of IRC 37 0.35
Unbound granular base over CTSB Sub-base 300 for Natural gravel 0.35
350 for Crushed aggregates
Subgrade Eq. 6.1 or 6.2 of IRC 37 0.35


    E value of BC = 1700-3000 MPa 

    E value of DBM = 1700-3000 MPa 

    E value of WMM = 350-450 MPa 

    E value of GSB = 160 MPa 

    E value of Subgrade = 60-70 MPa 

    E value of Stabilized Layer = 5000-8200 MPa

Indicative values of resilient modulus (MPa) of bituminous mixes

Mix Type Average Annual Pavement Temperature (oC)
20 25 30 35 40
BC and DBM for VG 10 Bitumen 2300 2000 1450 1000 800
BC and DBM for VG 30 Bitumen 3500 3000 2500 2000 1250
BC and DBM for VG 40 Bitumen 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000
BC with modified Bitumen (IRC:SP:53) 5700 3800 2400 1600 1300
BM with VG10 Bitumen 500 MPa at 35oC
BM with VG10 Bitumen 700 MPa at 35oC
RAP treated with 4% Bitumen emulsion/ foamed bitumen with 2 -2.5% residual bitumen and 1% cementitious material 800 MPa at 35oC


    For high traffic volume roads with a design traffic of 50 msa or more, 

        (a) Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) 

        (b) Gap Graded mix with rubberized bitumen (GGRB), 

        (c) Bituminous Concrete (BC) with modified binders, are recommended for surfacing course 

    SMA mix recommended for high traffic volume roads 

    Use of modified binders is preferred for longer service life and more resistant to aging 

    For traffic above 20 MSA, VG 40 is mandated for DBM, BC and other hotmix layers

    For highly stressed areas or roads in high rainfall areas and junction , mastic asphalt mix can be used as an alternative surface course. 

    For Non-National Highway roads with less than 20 msa traffic, for surface course Bituminous Concrete, Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete (SDBC), Pre-Mix Carpet (PMC), Mix Seal Surfacing (MSS), Surface Dressing (SD) with unmodified binders. 

    Thin bituminous layers such as PC, MSS and SD shall not be considered as part of the bituminous layer for analysis of the pavement.


    BC Soils are common in India 

    Exhibit high expansion and contraction on variation in moisture and lead to distortion, cracking 

    Buffer Layer 

        Non expansive cohesive soil cushion 0.6 to 1.0 m thickness 

    Blanket Course 

        At least 225 mm thick coarse/ medium sand or non plastic murum of PI less than 5 as sub base on expansive soil 

    Alternatively Lime stabilized Black Cotton sub base over entire formation with along with efficient drainage measures 

    Soil Stabilization (cement/ lime/ chemical additives) also recommended


    IRC 37 2012, 2018 gives design guidelines for use of Stabilized Base layers and the reduction in thickness of the BT layers 

    IRC SP 89 2018 have given the guidelines for material specifications and test methods for stabilized base layers 

    IRC has accredited number of manufacturers of stabilizer products for use on site 

    Already this type of stabilized base work is being done on many PWD Maharashtra and NH projects in India

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