General Considerations while using Jet Patcher

 General Considerations while using Jet Patcher

1) Large Potholes shall be excavated in rectangular box then only it should be filled with Course aggregates followed by Fine aggregate mixes. For these purpose if the Jet Patcher itself has mechanism to cut the road and have storage capacity of course aggregates separately then it can be very effective machinery to fill potholes.

Courser Mix Application

Finer Mix application

2)  Large Potholes requires Rolling or Tapping for proper compaction of mix filled.


3) After filling Potholes , Traffic shall not be allowed immediately, as mix filled in pothole requires curing period.

4) For further improvement, emulsion seal coat can be very effective.

5) As long as possible potholes shall be filled when they are smaller in size, it will help in low material consumption as well as reducing Accidents due to potholes.

6) If Jet Patcher is improved to fill Alligator crack type 1 and 2 like distresses, the formation of Potholes can be prevented upto considerable level.

7) If Storing capacity of Jet Patcher is improved then large stretches can be covered in single trip enabling regular/daily maintenance of roads.

Other Distresses in pavement are mentioned in another Topic --> Click here for topic Link

Some Advantages of Jet Patcher Method over Conventional Method

Parameters Conventional Method With Jet Patcher
Manpower Wastage of 30% to 40% manpower as they sit idle till Bitumen gets heated Hardly any idle time
Wastage of Material

1) Bitumen :- Use in Heating, Wastage in Heating Tin, Wastage in Pouring (which spills Outside of potholes)

2) Aggregates :- Wastage in many places, No proper bitumen covering fails entire purpose sometimes
Less wastage
Compaction In Both Cases compaction is required, I think Jet Patcher machine (Which I have seen)  don't have its own compaction mechanism.
Cost Comparing Above Parameters, for same quantum of Work, conventional method can be costly Comparing Above Parameters, for same quantum of Work, this method can be cost effective.
Time Time consuming Method 2-3 Tonnes consumption per day Fast Method 5- 6 Tonnes , Unload Time  5-6 Hours

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