Region wise List of Local Trees found in Maharashtra

 Region wise List of Local Trees found in Maharashtra

Trees Included in Annexure - I
    S.R. No. Name Marathi Name

    Konkan Region

    1 Anthocephalus कदंब

    2 Albizia lebbeck शिरीष

    3 Bassia latifolia मोह

    4 Bauhinia Variegata

    5 Barringtonia Racemosa समुद्रफळ

    5 Terminalia catappa देशी बदाम

    6 Alstonia scholaris सप्तपर्णी
    7 Adansonia digitata गोरखचिंच
    8 Pletophorur ferruglmeum पितमोहोर
    9 Pithecellobium Saman

    गुलाबी शिरीष

    10 Mimusops Hexandra खिरणी
    11 Eugenia Jambolana जांभूळ
    12 Lagerstroemia Flos Reginae


    Marathwada Region

    1 Dalbergia sissoo शिसवी

    2 Acacia Arabica बाभूळ

    3 Azadirachta Indica कडुनिंब

    4 Tamarindus Indica चिंच

    5 Delonix Indica गुलमोहर

    6 Peltophorum Ferruginaum पिवळा मोहोर
    (as shown above)
    7 Cassia Varieties बहावा

    8 Pithecellobium Dulce

    विलायती चिंच

    9 Feronia Elephantum कविठ

    10 Ficus Racemosa उंबर

    1l Ficus Bengalensis वड

    12 Ficus Religeosa पिंपळ

    13 Albizia lebbeck शिरिष

    Western Maharashtra Region

    1 Ficus religeosa पिंपळ
    Image as shown above
    2 Tamarindus Indica चिंच
    Image as shown above
    3 Peltophorum Ferrugineum पिवळा मोहोर
    Image as shown above
    4 Acacia Arabica अरबी बाभूळ
    Image as shown above
    5 Eugania Jambolana जांभूळ
    Image as shown above
    6Ficus Retuseउंबर
    Image as shown above
    7 Eucalyptus varieties निलगिरी

    8 Pithecellobium dulce विलायती चिंच
    Image as shown above

    9 Jacaranda Mimosifolia निळा मोहर

    10 Poinciana regia गुलमोहर
    Image as shown above

    11 Cassia Varieties बहावा 
    Image as shown above
    12 Azadiracta indica कडुनिंब
    Image as shown above
    13 Ficus Bengalensis वड
    Image as shown above

    Vidarbha Region

    1 Kigelia Pinnata वाघूळ फूल

    2 Dalbergia sisee शिसवी
    Image as shown above
    3 Hardwickia Binata अंजन

    4 Azadirachta indica कडुनिंब
    Image as shown above

    5 Ficus religeosa पिंपळ
    Image as shown above
    6 Ficus Bengalensis वड
    Image as shown above
    7 Tamarindus Indica चिंच
    Image as shown above
    8 Terminalia bellirica बेहडा

    9 Millettia ovalifolia काळा शिसम

    10 Millingtonia Hortensis आकाशनिंब

    11 Colvillea Racemosa किलबिली

    12 Jacaranda Mimosifolia निळा मोहर
    Image as shown above
    13 Peltophorum Ferrugineum पिवळा गुलमोहर
    Image as shown above

    Incorporating additional condition and Specification for tree plantation in tender.

    Government of Maharashtra Public Works Department Cirular No. RSA 1090/(1044) Road - 7 Mantralaya, Bombay - 400 032. Date: 6th February 1991


    The tree plantation within Government building premises and along the roadside is done by the Public Works Department. The original work of public Works Department such as Building Roads and Bridges are normally carried out through contracting agencies. While carrying such works tree plantation done will help in growth of arboriculture. Keeping this aspect in view, Government has decided to incorporate additional conditions and specification regarding arboriculture in the tender form.

    Accordingly, following instructions are issued for the guidance of all the officers of the Department-

    i) This condition shall be incorporate in the tender of works costing more than Rs. 25.00 lakhs and where period of completion is 3 years or more.

    ii) The item of arboriculture should be incorporated in the estimate and should appear as a separate item in the tender. Rate in estimate should include the number of trees and rate per tree to be planted. The rate should normally be arrived at after considering rearing of 3 years, watering to plants, use of fertilisers, protecting trees for the period of 3 years from stock cattle and illegal cutting of trees, if necessary by employing watchman of providing tree guards etc.

    iii) The payment towards the item of arboriculture should be made to the contractor in stage. The stagawise percentage shall normally be as follows-

    1) Digging pits, planting trees and Providing tree guards etc. upto --> 10%

    2) After 1st year of rearing  --> 15 - 25%

    3) After 2nd year of rearing ---> 20-30 %

    4) After end year of rearing  --> Balance amount (in percentage)

    The above stagewise percentage may be altered to suit the stipulated period of completion. However, the state when the contractor has to hand over the trees after full rearing shall be kept more so that the arboriculture can be encouraged.

    2. Guidelines for regionwise selection of tree species depending upon the nature of works as prepared by superintendent, parks and Gardens are enclosed herewith.

    3. While observing above instructions and selection of trees depending upon type of soil, availability of water and climate condition guidance of Forest Department, if necessary, shall be sought. while preparing layout for buildings, Architect should show location of plants in layout itself.

    4. Draft additional conditions and specifications for item of tree plantation to be

    incorporated in tender are also enclosed herewith.

    By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra.


    (A. N. Shaikh)

    Under Secretary to Government.


    All chief Engineers of Public Works Regions. Architect to Government, Maharashtra State, Bombay. All Executive Engineers of Public Works Divisions.


    Additional condition for tree plantation to be included in the Tender.

    The contractor shall plant the number of trees within compound as per layout (in case of building works) and along the road side approaches of bridge (in case Road/bridge works) as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, immediately after handing over of site/land for the work after the onset of the first monsoon. If the site/land is handed over during monsoon, plantation shall be done during monsoon itself. The maintenance of trees and its rearing shall be the full responsibility of the contractor till handing over of the work along with trees to the Department. 

    The payment schedule shall be as mentioned below:-

    i) digging pits, planting trees and providing guards, if reqd. etc.  --> %

    ii) After first year of rearing  --> %

    iii) After second year of rearing  --> %

    iv) At the end of tender period.  -->%

    If the contractor fails to plant the trees or rear them properly during the tender period. on account of one of the other Seasons, contractor shall be penalised at double the cost of such item proportiotely for each number of trees not planted/preserved properly by the contractor. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge as regards species of trees, number of trees and their location, manner for planting and rearing and action to be taken in case of failure of contractor shall be final and binding upon the contractor.

    Specification for item of tree plantation

    1) Item - Plantation of trees including clearing of site, digging pits for plantations, providing and planting plants, rearing of plantation including watering, gaurding and maintaining etc. 1) General The Work shall include preliminaries of clearing of site, digging of pits, procurement of plants their plantation, rearing of plants, watering periodically, guards if necessary and maintaining the trees during entire contract period as directed by engineer incharge.

    2) Clearing of site and digging pits for plantation:

    The site where plantation is to be done shall be cleared and pits of size 50cm x 50cm x 50 cm shall be dug out for each tree. If the earth dug out is of fertile nature same shall be used during plantation or also it shall be replaced by earth of fertile nature for proper growth of trees.

    3) Planting of trees - The plant species to be planted will be as decided by the

    Department. The plantation should be done as per layout given by the Department. About 1/2 to 1 year old healthy plants of specified species may be procured well in advance. The plantation shall be carried out immediately after the onset of first monsoon or during monsoon itself.

    4) Guarding trees: The arrangements for protecting the plants be made well in advance before the actual plantation. The tree guards of suitable nature should be provided for each plant separately or for group of plants as per the layout and shall be hunded over to Department along with the plants while handing them over to Department.

    5) Watering: 5 Regular watering after the rainy season should be done. However, in case there are long spells in between showers, watering in such long spells, will have to be done to the young plants for proper survival. About ten liters of water be utilised per plant in each watering. The watering spell should be such as to enable the treas to grow in healthy manner but minium for winter should be once in a week and for summer season twice in a week.

    6) Maintenance: Stirring of soil and removal of weeds around the plants will have to be done once in a month till the completion of contract period. As the plants grow care should be taken to remove the side scots or branches. After the plants gain the height of 3 meters, topping of growing plant be done for development of a proper crown. The plants growing crookedly will not be considered for payment. 1 to 2 ghamela full of mixture of soil and farm yard manure in 1:1 proportion be applied to each plant for proper growth once in fix months. Spraying of insecticides to protect the plants from insects should be done once in six months. In case of possibility of accumulation of water around plants during monsoon, or otherwise proper precautionery measures shall be taken so that no water accumulated there.

    7) Mode of measurement and ayment:- Contract rate shall be for each fully grown of tree.

    Guielines for selection of species & plantation of trees.

    1) The tree plantation along road side & around buildings is one of the important works from environment point of view. In taking such plantation there is necessary to have a proper planning. Survey of sites where the plantation is to be carried and planning is required to be done well in advance. In such survey, climatic conditions, soil conditions, availability of water etc. are required to be seen and on these basis the plant species are selected. The list of trees recomiended for four different Regions of Maharashtra is enclosed as Annexure-I

    2) Generally ornamental &flowering trees are considered for plantation in building compounds. Such selection of plant species increases the beauty of compound when they give flowers e.g. Lagerstromia (Taman) cassis, verieties, Cadamba. Scented flowering varieties like Indian corok tree, Alstonia scholaries (Satvin). Adensonia digitata (Gorakhchinch) Couroupita guiancensis (Kerlaspati) plumerial varieties (pagoda tree) etc. Plantation of treas near about sanitary block of the building may not be done as to avoid damages to the foundation by the roots of trees when they tall. Plantation of frui bearing trees may also be avoided in the building compound as children get attracted towards their fruits and may damage building property due to stone throwing.

    3. In case of roads and approaches to bridges trees shell be planted in two to three rows as per availablity of land. Generally in first row evrgreen shady trees with medium neight shall be considered while in second and third row taler trees third row taller trees are selected. The fruit trees a can be considered in second and third row taller trees are selected. The fruit trees can be considered in second and third row. The location of the pits should be staggered.. This gives sufficient space for each plant to develop its crown. The distance to be maintained between two plants is also important for proper development of trees. The trees having big crowns are planted quite away from each other e.g. The species like rein Tree, Vad, people are planted nearly 15 metres away from each other.

    4. Before preparing the estimate general survey should be taken to see the conditions of soil. During construction activity the originality of soil is lost. Mostly the original soil gets mixed up with construction material which is harmful to the plant growth, as it reduces the fertility of soil. Sometimes rocky or murumy strata occurs in the area which is not at all suitable for plantation purpose.

    5. It is necessary to take up the work well in advance during summer season so that the preliminary works such as taking pits, procuring soil, manure, filling the pits keeping them ready for plantation before mansoon will give better efficiency in work. It will also help to get the benefit of ensuing monsoon season.

    6. The procurement of tree sapplings of required species should be made in advance so that no delay cocurs for plantation at proper time. At least 10% more blanks be procurred so that plants of same age and height will be available for replacement of Casualties.

    7. Protection to the new plantation is one of the important factors required to be considered for their proper growth. In the initial stage, in case the plant gets damaged in early days. it gives set back to proper development. It starts developing crookedly and in that case the results will be very poor. While planting, no damage to the root system should occur. This may cause mortality in plants.

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