Guidelines for Online CR filling on MahaPAR System

 Guidelines for Online CR filling on MahaPAR System

Note:- Information collected from Training PPT and Mails

Important GRs 

1) Format of Performance Report for Group-A Government officers.. 201702021621316207 02-02-2017 --> Link

2) To Appoint Nodal officer and prepare EMD (E.M.D.) of Group A and Group B (Gazetted) officer for Writing their APAR in MahaPAR application form 2017-18. 201712151621110907.. 15-12-2017  --> LINK

गोपनीय अहवालाविषय संक्षिप्त कल्पना

ü वार्षिक गोपनीय अहवाल हे कोणत्याही अधिकाऱ्याच्या वर्षभरातील कामगिरीचे प्रतिबिंब असते आणि तसेच सरकारी धोरणांचे नियोजन अंमलबजावणी आणि अंमलबजावणीचे स्पष्ट चित्र प्रदान करते.

ü वार्षिक गोपनीय अहवाल ही केवळ निर्णय प्रक्रिया नसून अधिका-यांसाठी त्यांच्या करिअर नियोजन आणि प्रशिक्षणाच्या एकूण वाढीसाठी एक विकास साधन आहे

ü अधिकारी कोणत्याही विशिष्ट वर्षासाठी वार्षिक गोपनीय अहवाल भरताना त्यांच्या प्रशिक्षण आणि कौशल्य विकासाच्या गरजा शोधू शकतात

महापार आतापर्यंत ......

ü महापारचा प्रवास दिनांक ०२/०२/२०१७ च्या शासन निर्णयानुसार ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने सुरु आहे .

ü महापारमध्ये कामगिरी मूल्यांकन अहवाल रेकॉर्ड करण्यासाठी, सन २०१६-१७ साठी १२ निवडक गट-अ संवर्गातील ४६३२ अधिकारी जोडले गेले होते.

ü त्यानंतर सन २०१८-१९ च्या सत्रासाठी २०९९० अधिका-यांसह गट-ब संवर्ग देखील जोडण्यात आला.

ü सध्या महापारप्रणाली मध्ये एकूण ३० सेवेतील ३७९९० अधिकाऱ्यांचा समावेश आहे.

महापारचा विस्तार…

ü महापारमध्ये कामगिरी मूल्यांकन अहवाल ऑनलाइन पद्धतीने नोंद करण्यासाठी ९५ सेवामध्ये विस्तार करण्याचा निर्णय घेण्यात आला असून त्यामध्ये ६३००० हून अधिक राजपत्रित सरकारी अधिकाऱ्यांना प्रणालीमध्ये समाविष्ट केले जाईल (आतापर्यंत 30 सेवा जोडण्यात आल्या आहेत).

ü त्यानंतर भविष्यात आणखी अधिका-यांचा समावेश केला जाईल.

ü EMD (Employee Master Data)

ü EMD ही 20 स्तंभांची माहिती असून जी महापारच्या डेटाबेसमध्ये जोडली जाईल. आवश्यक माहिती (दि. १५/१२/२०१७ डिसेंबर रोजी परिपत्रक पहा) खालीलप्रमाणे.


Sr.no Employee code/Sevarth Id Appellation (Shri/Smt./Miss) Official name Gender Father's /Husband's Name Date of Birth Format (dd-mm-yyyy) Nationality Religon Aadhar no. Nic Email Id Mobile No.* Department Name Organization Unit(OU) Cadre Designation Type of appointment Appoint date in the present Cadre Format (DD-MM-YYYY) Allotment Year (First Appointment)

महापार शब्दावली....

ü EMD – कर्मचारी मास्टर डेटा ही 20 स्तंभांमधील अधिकाऱ्याची माहिती आहे.

ü Alternate Custodian – प्रक्रिया प्राधिकरण, जो PAR तयार करेल आणि त्यावर प्रक्रिया करेल

ü Primary Custodian –पर्यायी संरक्षकासाठी पर्यवेक्षी प्राधिकरण(supervisory authority for alternate custodian).

ü PAR Manager – ती/तो पर्यायी कस्टोडियन अंतर्गत काम करेल , Workflow आणि PAR निर्माण करण्यास मदत करेल( She/he will work under alternate custodian and help to generate workflow and PAR)

ü Workflow – हे सबमिशनचे चॅनेल आहे म्हणजेच PAR प्रवाहाचा मार्ग.(This is channel of submission i.e. path of PAR flow.)

ü PAR generation – येथे PAR च्या भाग-1 मधील माहिती भरणे आणि स्व-मूल्यांकनासाठी अधिकाऱ्याकडे पाठवणे आहे (This is to fill the information in section-1 of PAR and forward it to the officer for self-appraisal).

Officer's ROLE for self-assessment

To fill officer’s own PAR following stages needs to be followed-

I. Login to MAHAPAR using https://mahapar.maharashtra.gov.in

II.                Use your full email ID as user ID

Ex: smita.joshi75@nic.in

Password: Same as your NIC/GOV mail ID password.

In case you have forgotten your password kindly reset at https://email.gov.in “Forgot/Change password”

Steps to create Government Email ID

1) Go to https://eforms.nic.in

2) Click on “LOGIN”.

3) Login with NIC/GOV or Alternate email ID (any gov ID, Gmail, Rediff, yahoo, etc.)  and follow the instructions to login into the portal.

4)You may receive either of the following page.

Either Or

a. Fill your Personal Information as Username, Mobile number, employee code, email address, designation, state, district, pin code and then click on Continue

b. Fill your Organisation information as organization category, state, department name, Reporting officer email ID (his/her Government Email ID, If Reporting officer do not have any Government Mail ID go to eforms.nic.in>>User Manual) and then click on Submit

You may receive a dashboard for Total/pending/completed requests with other information.

 5) Thereafter click on Hamburger icon* and go to“Email (@gov)” then click to initiate the process

(*Hamburger ICON:)

a) Click on SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION for Creation of single Email ID.
b) Click on BULK SUBSCRIPTION for creation of multiple Email ID.
c) Click on Mail user (with mailbox) to avail Mailbox
d) Click on Application user (without mailbox) not to have mailbox
e) Select your Date of birth and your employee Description
f) Click on Name Based for Creation of Name Based Email ID
g) Write your preferred Email ID by putting dot (.) between your first name and last name followed by domain name as @gov.in
h) Enter Captcha and then click on Preview and Submit to send your request to reporting officer for approval.

6) Post Submission, the email request will reach to reporting authority and he/she can find the same at pending request on his/her DASHBOARD.

8) Reporting officer needs to click on the APPROVE button available on ACTIONS tab at total pending request.

NOTE: For further detail information, please refer “USER MANUAL” available at login page of https://eforms.nic.in

III.                   Click on NEXT button to procced.

IV.                Click on OTP on mobile then please click NEXT to receive OTP on your registered mobile number attached to your email ID.

V.             Please tick “Don’t ask me on this Device” to save your information on browser.

Alternatively, you can use “BACKUP CODE” instead of OTP while login to MahaPAR

1. you are requested to login to https://parichay.nic.in through OTP for first time login then click on username at right corner then go to settings as shown below.

2. Post clicking on settings you will find Backup Code with edit sign as shown below, click on edit sign to generate code. You can use these codes during future logins. At any time, you find your codes were stolen or missing you can regenerate the codes and then download to use.

VI.             Post login through OTP/backup code he/she can see his/her service icon as shown below.

Example: In below case smita.joshi75@nic.in is belongs to Mantralaya service. So, she will have MAHA-MAN service.

VII.                Officer can be able to see their PAR on Inbox à My Par(x) as shown below.

VIII.             Move the cursor to APAR ID and click to view the PAR.

IX.          Before filling up your Self appraisal, request you to check basic information page, if you find any error please click on “Submit Data Error Report” as shown below so that you can report your error to custodian to send you the correct basic information page.

X.       After filling up the PAR, Officer may either click on “DRAFT” to   save data for incomplete PAR or may click on “Send to Reporting authority” in order to forward the PAR.

XI.             On Clicking on Send to Reporting officer in Section-II following window will appear for having digital signature with DSC or eSign


      DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) – To use this register DSC with MahaPAR. Click on DSC tab in left pane and register it.

      eSign – OTP will be generated and sent to the mobile number registered with AADHAR. On entering OTP, document will get digitally signed.

Officer's ROLE for subordinate’s PAR assessment


1.In case you wanted to login as reporting/reviewing authority, login procedure would be same but post login you have to select your subordinate's icon.

If your subordinate belongs to your service, click on same icon else click on as per your sub ordinates service icon.

2. Reporting Authority can see the subordinate’s PAR pending for Reporting in INBOX >> Assess PAR.

3. After logging in Click on INBOX >> Assess PAR >> Search officer >> Click on APAR ID.

4.  Fill section III, click on Draft option to save the details filled in PAR. 
Click on “Send to Reporting Authority/Reviewing Authority” to further stage.

5. On Clicking on Send to Reporting officer in Section-II following window will appear for having digital signature with DSC or eSign

      DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) – To use this register DSC with MahaPAR. Click on DSC tab in left pane and Register it.

      eSign – OTP will be generated and sent on the mobile number registered with AADHAR. On entering OTP, document will get digitally signed.

Role of custodian/PAR Manager 

Following are the roles assigned to Custodian/PAR Manager -

>> To set Workflow

>> To Generate PAR

>> To Track PAR

>> To update Section I

>> To Force Forward

>> To Delete the PAR (Exclusively done by Primary custodian)

>>   To process auto delegated PAR

>> To Disclose the PAR

>> To Close the PAR

1.Role of PAR Manager is only limited to creation of workflow and   PAR Generation.

 2. Follow below steps to create Workflow.

Click on Workflow tab, Click on Workflow >> Create/Update.

3. You will see following window i.e., Employee Search during Workflow Creation

u If the Officer is from same Organisation Unit as that of PAR Manager select Tab >> “Workflow with same organisation” which is default.

u If officer is from another OU use tab “Workflow with all organisation”.

u Choose Assessment Year (2019-20,2020-21, as required)

u  click on search directly without filling any TAB other than “Assessment Period” for speedy finding of officers Name.

4. Search Officer’s name from the populated list of data.

5. Click on Create Workflow against the respective officer’s name.

6. As you click on Workflow Create/ Update, you will see the following window.

7. Select workflow period (should be within respective Assessment period).

      One Assessment Year can be divided in different Assessment period.

      Once Period is consumed no workflow can be created for that period

Example- If workflow is created for 1.4.2018 to 31.10.2018 second workflow can be created 1.11.2018 onwards.

8. Select status as NRC or working.

      NRC (Non-Reporting Certificate) - A certificate will be generated and added in the dossier of the officer. NRC period can be less than 3 months or 90 days for the reason of less reporting period, suspension, unauthorized absence etc.

      Working – PAR will be generated and will be forwarded for self-appraisal, reporting and reviewing.

9. Select form type, click on Continue.

      There are different PAR form types.

      Form Type is the type of ACR format which the officer reported upon belongs to like Engineer/Technical/Professor/Doctor/General

You are requested to select from the drop down as per officer’s cadre

10.  Choose Reporting and Reviewing authority for the period    of workflow.

11.  To search Reporting/ Reviewing Authority click on “Magnifying Icon” or from dropdown list to select the officer’s name.


12 . After selecting Officers name workflow can be saved by clicking on “Save” however during exception following features may be used.

         a. Auto delegation to custodian for manual work can be used with the option marked below if Officer at any level is retired/suspended/not included in online/multiple officers in one stage during the workflow period.

      b. Skip can be used when Officer at Reporting Stage and Divisional Commissioner/Reviewing authority is same.

>>Workflow set and PAR Generation

      1. Workflow needs to be prepared (Shown in earlier slides) before generating PAR as provided in earlier tutorial/slides.

      2.PAR generation can be done as shown below.

      Select Assessment Year from the dropdown (2017-18, 2018-19 and so on)

      Click on search

      List of all Officers in the OU whose workflow is created for the said Assessment Period will be displayed.

      Click on Generate option against the respective officer for respective workflow.

      Section – 1/Basic Information will be displayed on the screen as given below.

      Section I/Basic Information-: Fill the information

      Any reference document (i.e., Training, Reward, Medical Certificate etc.) to upload click on Browse>>select the file (should in pdf format).

      Click on Draft to save.

      Click on Send to office reported upon after filling up the form.

>>Update section I

      Update Section-I – An erroneous section-I can be by reported by officer to alternate custodian prior sending to Reporting officer by clicking on “Submit Error Report” and the same can be search by alternate custodian as below. Click on PAR >>Update Section-1.

      PAR >>Update Section-1>>Choose Assessment period >>Search officer name >> click on icon 

      Update the appropriate changes in section-I click on Tab “Update Section”.

      Any changes made by Alternate Custodian on section-I after verification from “Officer reported upon” by clicking on “Submit Error Report” to alternate custodian needs further digital signature.

      Section I – On Clicking on Send to office reported upon following window will appear to sign the section-1 with DSC or eSign

      DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) – To use this register DSC with MahaPAR. Click on DSC tab in left pane and Register it.

      eSign – OTP will be generated and sent on the mobile number registered with AADHAR. On entering OTP, document will get digitally signed.

>> PAR tracking

      PAR Tracking – Generated PAR status can be tracked by clicking on tab PAR>> tracking>> Officer Search >>Click on APAR ID.

      PAR status will be available according to the workflow set in PAR tracking.

       PAR current stage can be tracked.

>> Force forward

      PAR Force forward – PAR can be forwarded to next level by clicking on tab PAR >> Force Forward (Reasons to be recorded)

>> PAR Disclosure

      After gets PAR reviewed by Reviewing authority, PAR advances to Custodian to disclose it to the officer reported upon.

      Custodian can view such PAR in their Inbox and tab Process as shown below.

Custodian will click on tab – “Disclose to officer” after completion of all stages.

>>Officer Disclosure stage

      After completion of Reporting / Reviewing of the PAR, custodian will send the PAR for disclosure to the officer.

      Officer can view the PAR in Inbox and tab My PAR.

      Officer needs to acknowledge the PAR for further process.

>>PAR Closing

      As officer acknowledges the PAR, it is reflected in the Inbox under tab Process of the custodian.

      Custodian will click on APAR ID and select the “Close” tab to close the PAR which will be available in the Dossier of the officer and Custodian/Cadre control authority (PDF format).


      While setting workflow if “Auto delegation to custodian for manual work” option is selected for any level, PAR at that level advances to custodian for manual work.

       Such PAR can be viewed in the Inbox and tab Manual Process.

      Section upload – while processing such PAR manually, custodian can upload section i.e., physically written/assessed section by reporting or reviewing authority.


      Primary custodian has additional authority to DELETE the PAR of officer which is not processed further stage of Reporting Authority.

      This can be achieved in following ways-:

1. Search for the respective officer whose Workflow has to be deleted.

2. Click on Update Workflow.

3. Click on Delete option with confirmation in followed dialogue box.


      Primary custodians get the dashboard report after logging in which he gets the report as below.


1.  To check for officer’s closed PAR click on Tab – Officer completed PAR

(To find closed PAR of Primary custodian himself, click on Tab – My completed PAR.)

      2. Search for respective officer’s detail.

      3. Click on Officer name.

      4. Click on DOWNLOAD option to get the PAR.

MahaPAR - PMU and Contacts

      Project Management Unit (PMU):

      System Administrator: GAD/13 (022-22794298)

      E-Mail:  support-mahapar@nic.in


--[if !support Lists]-->

        Located at: 19th Floor, New Administration Building, Mantralaya, Mumbai – 400032.

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