Building Layout


Building Layout

          Foundations can be marked off in a number of ways. The use of a level and rod though is one of the most accurate and efficient.


          Step I

        Choose a sight and clear all vegetation.

          Step II

        Establish a minimum grade

          Grade should allow for water drainage without excessive slope.

          Step III

        Locate the building corner stake

          Drive a stake at one corner of the intended foundation (stake A)

          On sloped ground place stake A at highest elevation.

          Measure off the correct distance along one side of the foundation and place a second stake (stake B)

          Keep this line parallel with existing sidewalks, fences, roads, etc. if needed.

          Locate the center of the stake tops by drawing 2 diagonal lines across the top, drive a nail part way where the two lines cross

          Attach a builders line to the nails in the stake tops.

          Position level directly over stake A and sight to stake B.

          Hold a plumb bob over the nail in stake B and align the vertical cross hairs of the level with the string.

          Hold a plumb bob over the nail in stake B and align the vertical cross hairs of the level with the string.

          Turn the level exactly 90°

          Measure off the correct length of the foundation.

          Align a plumb bob with the cross hairs to locate stake D.

          Connect stakes A and D with builders line.

          To determine location of the fourth corner (stake C).

          Measure distance from stakes B to D measure same distance from stake A to C.

          Measure correct length of foundation from stake A to C then from stake D to C.

          Where all three points meet mark stake C with a nail.

          Step IV

        Right angle batter boards must now be placed on all four corners of the foundation.

        Place batter boards approximately 6-8 feet from corner stakes and parallel from foundation walls.

        The batter boards may be set at any convenient height but higher than the highest foundation elevation.

Setting Batter Boards


          Step 1 – Setting batter boards to elevation.

        Set up level in the center if possible.

        Locate position of batter boards at corner A.

        Construct batter boards slightly above elevation and drive stakes until proper elevation is reached.

        Take several rod readings for accuracy.

        Do this at each corner

          Step II

        Tie strings on the batter boards to intersect directly over stake nails at each corner.

        Mark the string location on the batter board so the string can be easily replaced.

Building Layout

          Now foundation is staked out to the proper dimensions, to the proper elevation, and perfectly square.

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