Calculating Area of Land plot of un-equal sides just by using simple levelling tools Such as Auto level, Dumpy level etc.
Generally what we civil enginners are asked to build looks like as shown in below Plan (Sometimes typical type plans for certain organizations) , but actual land available may not suit it sometimes, so boundrirs and area calculation becomes important in such cases. It is also important because your Plot Area should match area mentioned in 7/12 so that future conflicts can be avoided.
1) Survey can be carried out using simple tools
2) Calculations are relatively easy (No complex trignomerty)
Concepts Used:-
1) (Upper Stadia reading - Lower stadia reading) x 100 = L
Where L --> Distance between station and Point where level is taken.
2) Lcos Ó¨ = Latitude (X- co-ordinate) & Lsin Ó¨ = Departure (X- co-ordinate)
Where Ó¨ => Whole Circle Bearing (WCB)
3) Double meridian Distance Method - To Calculate Area
Step 1:- Calculate Latitude (X- coordinate) & Departures (X- coordinate) of all points
Point | Angle | Upper | Lower | distace | Latitude (Xi) | Departure (Yi) | Distance between 2 ponits |
1 | 329 | 1.37 | 0.855 | 51.5 | 44.1441159861588 | -26.5244608578678 | 104.047 |
2 | 122 | 2.61 | 2.055 | 55.5 | -29.4105191649429 | 47.0666693366816 | 135.446 |
3 | 234 | 5.201 | 4.156 | 104.5 | -61.4235588645635 | -84.542275912182 | 43.102 |
4 | 257 | 5.256 | 4.156 | 110 | -24.7446159778252 | -107.180707126376 | 106.071 |
5 | 329 | 1.37 | 0.855 | 51.5 | 44.1441159861588 | -26.5244608578678 |
Step 2:- Use Double Meridian distance Method to Calculate area
SR | Xi | Yi | xi*yi+1 | xi+1*yi | xi*yi+1 - xi+1*yi |
1 | 44.1441159861588 | -26.5244608578678 | 2077.71651028066 | 780.098164400098 | 1297.61834588056 |
2 | -29.4105191649429 | 47.0666693366816 | 2486.43222596311 | -2891.00233456061 | 5377.43456052372 |
3 | -61.4235588645635 | -84.542275912182 | 6583.42047332248 | 2091.96615133828 | 4491.4543219842 |
4 | -24.7446159778252 | -107.180707126376 | 656.337597946794 | -4731.39756686525 | 5387.73516481205 |
5 | 44.1441159861588 | -26.5244608578678 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 16554.2423932005 |
Area = ∑ (xi*yi+1 - xi+1*yi)/2
Hence Area of polygon = 8277.121 sq.m
In 7/12 area is 8000 sq.m, Hence it is necessary to consult Bhumiabhilekh department regarding boundries and then accordingly plan.
If you have any doubts, suggestions , corrections etc. let me know