Suggestions for some improvement in PWD softwares

 Suggestions for some improvement in PWD softwares

1) Connecting PMIS data to Google Maps

As we already know that PMIS will have almost all road data except it's actual visualisation of location. In PWD Pothole tracker app Road alignments of roads under Public Works Departments jurisdiction i.e State Highways and Major District roads are already marked.

Connecting PMIS data to Google maps will have following advantages

a) Work Location Detection (Visualisation) :- it can help CEs, SEs and EEs to plan site visits resulting in more site visits in less time.

b) Remaining length (which is not covered under any head) can be broken length so that, just by looking it gets attention and will be included in next budget or in current AMC.

c) Road Length Accuracy will be increased

d) Easy to find out missing lengths

Necessary steps can be taken for construction of missing length.

2) Importing Google earth data to  PMIS

Google earth contains Latitude, Departure and Elevation of locations, which are very helpful in calculating geometric parameters of roads such as

a) Radius of Curvature of existing road

I have demonstrated method by which we can calculate radius of curvature of any existing road by simple Surveying tools, same logic applies here.

Click on Method link -- Radius of Curvature 

b) Geometric Improvement on curves (Mechanical & Psychological widening required on curves)

C) Ghat slopes improvement 

d) Bridge length approximation on given road alignment crossing any water stream

e) Changes in road treatments and mixtures can be done as per terrain characteristics, rainfall intensity, Temperature gradient and vehicular loading, same composition for bituminous mix in throughout state is not possible. 

f) Patches with slow traffic in rural areas will automatically indicate road condition so that patch which we have to give attention is detected, and in cities it indicates congestion so according road treatments can be modified or road type can be changed (flexible, rigid).

3) Connection option to SCADA

SCADA can be connected for ongoing works to PMIS or WMS so that work monitoring can be done.

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