Duties of Junior Engineer


The duties of the Junior Engineers engaged on criginal and maintenance works are as below:

1. Te collect engineering data for estimates and prepare rough drawings and site plans connected therewith. 

2. To supervise and see that all works under his charge are done according to the specifications,drawings standards laid down and approved samples. He is expected to remain at site throughout in order to see that the works are executed properly in accordance with the requirements. If any work dene by a contractor below specification it is the duty of the Sectional Engineer to bring it atonce to the notice of the Assistant Engineer incharge and also make a note in the site order book.

3. To arrange for the materials T&P. from store/by purchase from the market, issue materials, T&P. to contractors/works at the proper time so that there is no obstruction in the execution of work.

4. To keep Government materials, T&P. in his custody and care, maintain proper accounts of receipts, issue and balances, arrange adequate watch and ward. sa


 i) To record measurements of work done by the contractors/Departmental labour.

ii) To take the levels of areas where earth-work is done and prepare earth work calculations sheet, lead charts, etc. for calculating the quantities of work done. 

6.To prepare abstract of measurements at the timeo f preparation of bills/closing of muster rolls.

7. To prepare abstract of measurements for the materials/T&P. supplied to contractors, or other services rendered by the Department and send them to the S.D.O. for effecting recovery.

8. To prepare theoritical consumption statements.

9. To submit progress report of works as may be required by his superiors and to bring to the notice of his immediate supériors hindrances to the execution of work.

10.To maintain the prescribed registers/accounts like cement register, cube register, cusing register of testing of fine aggregates, M.S.A. accounts, site order bock, account of temporary advances, imprest accounts, stock account, T&P. account, standard M.Bs. etc.

11. To maintain register of inspection in the prescri- bed form and to bring to the notice of the supe- rior officers any defects noticed at the time of his inspection. If any building/structure is particularly unsafe, this should be specifically brought to the notice of higher authorities.

12. To prepare completion drawings, extra and subs- tituted items statements, deviation statements, reduction rate statements.

13. To make the attendance of work charged and regu- lar staff in the register, to maintain the muster rolls properly to mark the attendence of casual labour in muster rolls, to arrange fer casual labour required for departmental works, to see that the work charged staff is properly and fully employed, to watch the out turn and performance of the staff and labour engaged under him, to send daily reports as required under the rules.

14. To prepare estimates for an additions and altera- tions in buildings.

15. To prepare estimate for annual repair and special works and petty works after collecting data from site.

16. To furnish full details for preparing supplemen- tary estimates, revised estimates.

17. To submit report of all accidents.

18. To give first aid and arrange for medical aid in I case of an accidents.

19. To submit occupation and vacation reports of buildings in his charge.

20. To detect and report unauthorised occupation, encroachments and unauthorised additions and alte- rations.

21. To verify bills, A. T. D. S. etc.

22. To submit required returns..tr his superior officers. 

23. To maintain drawings of buildings, services etc.under his charge.

24. To initiate action for disposal of surplus/unserviceable materials/T&P./empties etc.

25. To ensure prompt action on complaints received in enquiry offices.


i)Preparation and checking of rough cost estimates.

ii) Preparation and checking of preliminary estimates.

iii) Preparation and checking of detailed estimates.

iv) Preparation and checking of revised estimates. 

v) Preparation and checking of revised estimates/N.I. Ts. estimates. 

vi) Preparation and checking of designs, prepara- tion and checking of drawings.

vii) Preparation and checking of schedule of rates.

viii) Preparation and checking of specifications.

ix) Preparation and checking of theoritical consumption of materials.

x) Preparation and checking of cost index calculations.

2. Calculations and checking of plinth areas, floor areas etc. from drawings.

3. Calculation of preliminary sizes of scructural members.

4. Checking of extra, substituted and deviation item statements.

5. Checking of survey reports, checking of tenders.

6. Scrutiny of drawings prepared by Architects.

7. Examination of arbitration cases.

8. Examination of cases relating to approval of materials.

9. Examination of cases relating to wages of Labour. 

10. Carrying out of survey work of areas for development and preparation of survey plans.

11. Custody of mathematical and survey instruments, tools and plant including their receipt and issue and maintenance of their account.

12. Custody of Government publications, their receipt issue and maintenance of their account.

13. Carrying out laboratory test on materials such as cement, steel, timber, metal, soil etc.

14. Carrying out field tests on soils etc.

15. Assist in carrying out valuation of buildings.

16. Maintenance of books and registers relating to the work done under the ASW/S.W.

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