Responsibilities of Deputy Engineer

Responsibilities of Deputy Engineer and Important Appendix of P.W.D. Manual 

This article covers duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Engineers as laid down in P.W.D. Manual and P.M.Accounts Code with some important Appendix short notes 

A. Handing over and taking over charge.

B. Execution of work.

C. Estimates.

D. Miscellaneous, P.R.B. etc.

E. Cash.

F. Cash pack.

G. Cheque Books and Receipt Books.

H. Stores

I. Tools and Plants and S & M. Instruments.

A. Handing over and taking over charge of Sub-Dn.

It is Personal responsibilities and duties of the Deputy Engineer.

The Deputy Engineers are advised to go through paras 63 to 77 of M.P.W. Manual under Caption (b) transfer of Divisional and Sub-Divisional charges before starting handing over, taking over of the Sub-Dn. charge. The important points are given below:

a. There must not be any delay in handing over charge after arrival of relieving officer.

b. Transfer of charge should be reported to the Accountant General, Superintending Engineer and Executive Engineer etc. through proper of a channel in standard form P.W. 93e.

c. To take over the charge of cash and store with due certificates after closing of account on the date of transfer. 

d. Transfer report in standard fora P.W. 569 should be submitted to the Executive Engineer on the same day.

e. Receipt of stock, tools and plants and other stores in Form 'B' given in manual. 

f.  Detailed report in standard for F.W. 468 on the State of S & M. instruments..

g. Most important is to report any deficiency or defect in work or store within 3 months from taking over as otherwise responsibility will lie on relieving officer.


1. Confirmation of Oral Orders (a) 249

 Any order to commencement of work given due to urgency should be got confirmed in writing as soon as possible.

2. Possession of land (3) 254

No work is to be started unless land is in possession.

3. Line Out (a) 252

The Deputy Engineer is to see porsonally that line out given is entirely within Govornmont land as per approved layout.

4. Bridge H-F-L. Verification (a) 253

In case of bridge work, the structural designs to be examined with reference to observed H.F.L. and one assumed in design after thorough enquiry with the local people before actually axecution of work

5. Emergency work intimation to govt./A.G. (a) 255

 In case of emergency and danger to traffic when work is required to be started without sanction, this is to be reported to higher officers immediately with copios to audit

6. Foundation Ceremony sanction (a) 259

No ceremonial function for foundation laying etc.is to be held at govemment cost except proper sanction and authority.

7. Lapses to sanction (a) 262 

Any approval or sanction to work remains valid for five years only if it is not in progress.

8. Tamples etc. removal (a) 269 

No religious edifice should be destroyed in execution without full and free consent of persons interested in it.

9. Starting of work on A-2 (a) 194

Work from main contract which is under process of acceptance can be started on A-2 agreement from same agency to avoid loss of time.

10.Age limit. (a) 278 

No person under the age of 14 years should be employed.

11.Serious Accident (a) 36.282 

Any serieus accident to be reported to the Superintending Engineer, Government in which cases a defect in read or otherwise happens to be the Cause of accident.

12. Rejected Material. (a) 283, 284

No rejected or defective material should be allow od to remain on work site. Any damage to work should be jointly inspected anodiately alongwith Contractor.

13. Magazine site Explosivos (a) 288 

The site of Magazine is to be got approvod from tre District Magistrate. No explosion are to be started without licence from the Inspector of Explosives.

14. Rush of Expenditure March (a) 296

Expenditure in March should not exceed three times the average monthly expenditure during last eleven months. 

15. Severe disciplinary action.

For any excess payment made in March in advance of actual execution or work with a view to avoiding lapses of grants.

16. Expenditure on C.R. (a) 296

In case of maintenance of C.R. it should be ensured in all cases that the expenditure in March is not more than the average monthly expenditure.


M.P.W.D. Para refer:

1.(a) Para 310

All sanctioned estimates are to be returned to the Pivisional Offico for record.

2. Supplementary Estimate (a) Para 312 

Any contingent work considered necessary but not covered in original sanctioned estimates should ba covered by the supplementary estimates with full details.

3. Revised Estimate (a) Para 313

A revised estimate must be submitted when sanctioned estimate is likely to be exceeds more than 5% for any reason alongwith-comparative statement in PWD Form 119.

4. Reduced estimate 

This is to be submitted when tender is below 10% of administrative approved project and Expenditure Is below 10% of administratively approved cost.

5. Complation Statement (a) Para 317(a) 

This is to be submitted on completion of all work in P.M.D. Form No.405 except works for which subheadvise posting is done.

6.Completion Report. (a) Para 317(b) 

This is to be completed on completion of all works for which sub-headvise posting is done in P.W. Form 401 and 401(A). 

7. Submission of C.R. Estimates (a) 180.

Te bo submitted before 15th January of previous year and to be got sanctioned before 15th April, of the year.

8. Necessity of C.R. Estimates. (1) 180 

For C.R. grants more than Rs. ______(excluding Municipal Taxes) C.R. estimate is necessary.

9. Record Drawings. (a) Para 321 

Record drawings for all are to be submitted to Executive Engineer on completion of each work immediately as it is actually executed.


Appendix 1 Set 2

Passing within 3 years from the date of appointment 

The rules and regulations are given in the appendix.The Peputy Engineer is to pass this examination within 3 years from his date of appointment. 


Officers who are 45 years old or about at the time of appointment are totally exempted. Officers between 40 to 45 years are exempted except in the subject of accounts.


Appendix 3

Rules for fee for work done for private body.

 This covers the rule for fees to be charged for work done for private bodies.

Appendix 4

period for preserving the record. 

period for preserving various records are given in this appendix.

Appendix 8

Standard measurements and Standard Measurement Book. 

This covers the procedure for making standard measurements for repairs to buildings etc. and procedure for keeping standard measurement books.

Appendix 10 

Preparing, receiving and opening tenders.

This gives the rules for preparing, receiving and opening of tenders.

Appendix 13

Aggreement form for taking land by negotiation. 

The agreement is to be taken from owner of land whose land is taken by negotiation is given in the appendix.

Appendix 19 and 20 

Form for agreement for laying pipe line etc. This gives form in which agreement is to be taken for permission to lay down irrigation channel, drain, pipe cable etc.

Appendix 21, 22

Taking measurements and keeping measurement book. 

Detailed instructions are given in this Appendix on recording measurements and keeping account of M.B.

Appendix 23

Scale of furniture in Sub-Division etc. 

This gives the scale of furniture to be provided in Sub-Division and other offices.

Appendix 24

Scale for wall clock.

Scale of furniture and-articlas in I.Bs. Rest Houses. 

Scale of furniture and articles in Inspection Bungalow and Rost Houses is given.

Appendix 36, 37

Stocking of mathematical and scientific instruments.

This gives rules for stacking scientific and mathematical instruments in Division and Sub-Division etc.

Appendix 38

This gives complete procedure to be followed while holding auctions sales.

Appendix 39 

Powers of Officers.

Various powers of various officers are given in this appendix.

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