Mode of Measurements for bridges

 Mode of Measurements for bridges

Measurement of Concrete Works

1. Bridge Works.

a. C. C. in foundations -->  One Cubic metre. 

No deduction for reinforcement in case of R.C.C. work but required steel paid separately. 

No deduction for vertical headers nor separate payment for them.

b. C. C. in Hollow Steel Qurbs -- > One cubic metre of concrete. 

No deduction for reinforcement ties, bolts, nuts, rivet heads & bracing.

c. C. C. for well steining --> One cubic metre of concrete. 

Reinforcement paid separately.

d. C. C. for bottom plug of well per cubic metre of plug concrete actually laid. 

If dimensions of the plug are difficult to ascertain therein member of 50 Kg. cement bag mixed used (i.e. pre-measured basis).

e. C.C. for top plug of wells --> Per cubic metre of concrete.

f. C.C. for well/pile caps --> per bic metre of concrete.

No deduction for reinforcement top of piles embeded in the cap treated as part of cap.

g. Solid slabs/deck slabs --> per cubic metre. 

Solid slabs for full length, width and thickness. For beam and slab and box girder type construction the top deck slab measured for the full width overall length and depth. Tapered and cantilevered portions of the slab measured as slabs only.

h. Main girders --> Per cubic metre 

measured for the dimensions below soffit of the slab.

i. Arch ribs --> Per cubic metre 

ribs supporting the barrel slab measured for the dimensions below the barrel slab. Average length of arch rib measured mid way between extrados and introdos. The fillets between slabs and beams/ribs measured as parts of beam. The top slab measured as slab. In bulb type girders, sectional dimensions are measured.

j. Cross girders -->  per cubic metre. 

These are measured for their length, width and depth between the faces of main girders. 

k. C. C. for haunch filling --> cubic metre.

l. Wearing slab.--> Per square metre 

of specified thickness in the item of the wearing slab.

m. Approach slab --> per cubic metre. 

No deduction for the reinforcement. Reinforcement still paid separately. 

n. C.C. for ballast wall, kerb box returns --> Per cubic metre

measurements for plaster are excluded (if provided). 

No deduction for embeded pipes, weep holes or other opening less than 500 Sq. cm. of sectional area. Similarly, no payment for pipes or inverted filter if provided.

o. C. C. for parapets --> Per metre length of parapet

Provided as per dimensions shown on the drawing for this purpose. Measure between the inside of the end of pillasters of outside to out side of end posts if no pillasters are provided. 

No separate payment for reinforcement.

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