Slopes and Landslide Vulnerability Checking and Data Storing

Slopes and Landslide Vulnerability Checking and Data Storing Input Table

Slopes and Landslide Vulnerability Checking and Data Storing

Select Values from Dropdown List

Type of Road:
Road Number:
Chainage of LandSlide:
Landslide Location:
Age of Cutting:
Type of Slope:
Mode of failure:
Type of lithology:
Thickness of soil/debris on affected slopes:
Thickness of overburden :
Vegetation on affected slope :
Vegetation above beyond affected slope :
Height of cutting :
Slope of cutting :
Cut slope angle V/S Uphill natural slope :
Water conditions :
Deformation characteristics (cracks/subsidence/failure) :
Joint sets :
RMR(rock slope) :
Direction of bedding plane/foliation :

Note:- Before Sending Data to Google Sheet, click on Check Vulnerability Button to check Succeptibility, After Clicking on Send Data to Google Sheet, you will be directed to "Status", if Successful then Press Back button on top of your Browser and Refresh then you Can See collected Data by Clicking on Collected Data Link as below

Total Sum:

Susceptibility Analysis status:

Refresh Collected Data web page if your data is not visible in Collected Data

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