Slope Management in Hill Roads and Landslides

 Slope Management in Hill Roads and Landslides

    Hill slopes across highways 
                A) Based on height

                B) Base on slope inclination & presence of overhangs

                C) Based on Geological classifications

    Definition of Hill slopes across Highway

    Convex slope segments commonly occur in the upper parts of soil man taled slopes, as near the drainage divide

    Straight slope segments are dominated by mass movement processes.

    Talus slopes are a type in which debris piles up to a characteristic angle of repose.

    When new debris is added to the slope, thereby locally increasing the angle, the slope adjusts by movement of the debris to re-establish the angle.

    Concave slopes are especially common where overland-flow runoff transports sediment derived from upper slopes.

    Virgin slopes

    Highway cut slopes

    Manmade slopes

    Components of Hill Slope across Highways

                    Geological, Geomorphological, Geohydrological, Geotechnical, Ecological/Environmental Interactions and Interrelationships between Slope Components

    Investigations of Hill Slopes & Processes

    Geological Investigations - Type of material, structures

        Identification of material,

                A) Soil Strata ➢ Sandy soil ➢ Clayey soil

                        Residual soil

                        Moraines, glacial
                        Alluvium Loess
                B) Rocky Strata ➢ Type of Rock ➢ Weathering extent ➢ Joint pattern
                C) Mixed Strata ➢ Mix of soil + boulders
                        Properties and classification

    Geomorphological Investigations- type of slope, steepness and various features on the slope

        Micro and macrofeatures of morphology
                Erosion of slope -
                Presence of streams -
                Presence of waterfalls -
                Presence of vegetation -
                Extent of Erosion -
                Piping phenomenon -

        Geohydrological Investigations-Drainage network, springs, Rivers etc
                Surface and Sub-surface Drainage Investigations,
                Watershed Management

        Geotechnical Investigations - Strength properties of the material
                Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) :- This method utilizes the refraction of seismic waves on geologic layers -rock/soil units in order to characterize the subsurface conditions and geologic structure. Shots are deployed at surface and recordings are made using geophones.
    Some natural phenomena that can trigger a landslide are
            Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and seismic shaking
            Intense rainfall, rapid snowmelt, glaciers melting, and changes in water level
            Stream/coastal erosion and natural dam failure
            Rising of groundwater or increase of pore water pressure
            The undercutting of cliffs and banks by water erosion due to tidal waves
            Anthropogenic action

    Highway Hill Slope Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
            Highway hill slope rating system
            Rating criteria for identification and classification of highway slopes
            Suitability/vulnerability and potential for hill slope failure
            Zonation of slopes :- Zonation of highway hill slopes based on their vulnerability classes (methods and applications)

    Identification/estimation/calculation of risk due to vulnerable highway hill slopes

            Terrain/Slope inventory
                Man made slopes
                Natural slopes
                Rock slopes

                Debris slopes/Block Slopes

                Soil slopes

                Composite slopes
                Bedding controlled slopes


                Shear zones and Faults/thrust Contact surfaces

                 Slickensides surface
                Weak materials e.g. clay seams
                Colluvium- material characteristics
                Alluvium – Characteristics
                Ancient landslide
                Slope morphology
                Drainage morphology
                Vegetation type
                Slide type
                Micro features on the slope
                Deformed ground
                Break in slope
                Hummocky ground
                Drainage system
                Slope hydrology
                Ephemeral drainage
                Topography vs Drainage flow


                Perched groundwater flow
                Water table


                Debris flow


                N. Highway
                Irrigation Canals Dams etc.

    Highway Hill Slope Protection Structures (Construction & Maintenance)

        Stabilization of slopes-
                Excavation at Top of Slope,
                General Flattening of Slope,
                Benching of Slope,
                Complete Removal of Unstable Mass,
                Earth Fill at Toe Slope,
                Rock or Gravel Fill at Toe of Slope
                By Replacing Existing Soil with Low density material, such as Geofoam
                Application of Geosynthetics for hill slopes stabilizations

        Selection of Structures for Protection-
                Debris Arrestors,
                Retaining Wall - PCC wall section Calculator
                    Rock and Earth Fill Buttress at Toe of Slope,
                    Cribs or Gravity Retaining Wall,
                Breast Wall,
                Toe Wall,
                Pile Walls,
                Filter beds,
                Easing of Slopes,
                Bitumen/ Asphalt mulching,
                Chutes and Sloping Aprons,
                Caisson Toe of Slope,
                Barriers at Toe anchored by Tie- Back Method of increase of Shear Strength of Soil Cementation,
                 Freezing, Electro-Osmosis,
                 Compaction, Rock Bolting, Blasting at Toe

    Note: - Maintenance of slope protections structures are equally important

    Drainage System, <-- click on link to read detailed article.

    ATTRIBUTES/FACTORS for Slope Management Inventory

            A- Location

            B- Age of cutting

            C- Type of slope

            D- Mode of failure

            E- Type of lithology

            F- Thickness of soil/debris on affected slopes

            G- Thickness of overburden

            H-Vegetation on affected slope

            I- Vegetation above beyond affected slope.

            J- Height of cutting

            K- Slope of cutting

            L- Cut slope angle vs. Uphill natural slope.

            M- Water conditions

            N-Deformation characteristics (cracks/subsidence/failure)

            O- Joint sets

            P- RMR (rock slope)

            Q- Direction of bedding plane/foliation

            R- Natural Drainage Preservation

            S- Type of Road --> Express way, National Highway, State Highway, MDR, ODR, VR, NP etc.

            T- Number of Road

            U- Chainage of Landslide location

    Brief list of remedial measures for unstable slope

    ✓ Removing material from the area driving the landslide (with possible substitution by lightweight fill)
    ✓ Adding material to the area maintaining stability (counterweight berm or fill)
    ✓ Reducing general slope angle

    ✓ Surface drains to divert water from flowing onto the slide area (collecting ditches and pipes)
    ✓ Shallow/deep trench drains filled with free draining geomaterials (coarse granular fills and geosynthetics)
    ✓ Buttress counter forts of coarse-grained materials (hydrological effect)
    ✓ Vertical (small diameter) boreholes with pumping or self-draining
    ✓ Vertical (large diameter) wells with gravity draining
    ✓ Sub-horizontal or sub-vertical boreholes
    ✓ Drainage tunnels, galleries or adits
    ✓ Vacuum dewatering
    ✓ Drainage by siphoning
    ✓ Electro-osmotic dewatering
    ✓ Vegetation planting (hydrological effect)

    ✓ Gravity retaining walls
    ✓ Crib-block walls
    Gabion walls
    ✓ Passive piles, piers and caissons
    ✓ Cast-in situ reinforced concrete walls
    Reinforced earth retaining structures with strip/ sheet - polymer/metallic reinforcement element
    ✓ Buttress counterforts of coarse-grained material (mechanical effect)
    ✓ Retention nets for rock slope faces
    ✓ Rockfall attenuation or stopping systems (rocktrap ditches, benches,fences and walls)
    ✓ Protective rock/concrete blocks against erosion

    ✓ Rock bolts
    ✓ Micro piles
    ✓ Soil nailing
    ✓ Anchors
    ✓ Grouting
    ✓ Stone/lime cement columns
    ✓ Heat treatment
    ✓ Freezing
    ✓ Electro osmotic anchors
    ✓ Vegetation planting (root strength mechanical effect)

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