Schedule of Testing Charges of Construction Material used for Government Works for the Year 2023 - 2024 ( Effective from 01/07/2023)

Schedule of Testing Charges of Construction Material used for Government Works for the Year 2023 - 2024 (Effective from 01/07/2023)


Schedule of Testing Charges of Construction Material used for Government Works for the Year 2023 - 2024 ( Effective from 01/07/2023)

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Sr NoName of Testing Material Name of Test Testing Charges
Government of Maharashtra for PWD
1 Cement 1 Fineness 3960
2 Consistancy
3 Setting Time (Initial & Final)
4 Comp. Strength
5 Specific Gravity
6 Soundness (Le-Chatlier Method)
2 Metal 1 Sieve Analysis 690 4315 6325
2 Water Absorption 2730
3 Specific Gravity
4 Impact Value
5 Crushing Value
6 Flakiness Index / Elongation Index 895
7 Stripping Value 780
8 Abrasion Value 1230
3 Mix Design 1 GSB Mix Design 17065
2 WET Mix Design 17065
4 Sand 1 Fineness Modulus (Sieve Analysis) / Silt Content 1450 2345
2 Slit Factor 895
5 Bricks 1 Water Absorption 2285
2 Comp. Strength
3 Efflorescence
6 Flooring Tiles 1 Flexural test (6 Tiles) 2620
2 Water Absorption (6 Tiles)
7Glazed / Ceraimic / Vitrified Tiles1 Water Absorption (6 Tiles) 1675
2 Modulus of Rupture (6 Tiles)
8 Flooring of Natural Stone (Kota, Marble, Granite, Tandur etc.) 1 Water Absorption (6 Tiles) 1450
2 Modulus of Rupture (6 Tiles)
9 Manglore Tiles 1 Water Absorption (6 Tiles) 1560
10 Concrete / Morter 1 Cement Concrete Cubes (3 Cubes) Comp. Strength 725
2 C. C. Mix Design 14445
3 C. C. Mix Design by Accelerated Curing Tank (Using Warm Water Method) 17065
11 Paving Block 1 Comp. Strength 2620
2 Water Absorption (Set of 8 Block)
12 Hollow / Solid / ACC Blocks 1 Density / Comp. Strength / Water Absorption 2065
13 Stone / Rubble 1 Crushing Value / Comp. Strength 2120
2 Water Absorption & Specific Gravity
14 Soil / Murum 1 Sieve Analysis 725 1955 11160
2 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit & Plastic Index 1230
3 Proctor Density (Compaction Test) 1955
4 CBR Test(Lab) with Compaction Test 7250
15 Bitumen 1 Penetration 3290 6245
2 Softeing Point
3 Specific Gravity
4 Ductility 950
5 Viscosity 2005
6 Extrcation 1675
7 Marshall Stability & Flow measurement (3 Mould) 1170
8 2 Extraction & 1 Gradation of BM/DBM/BC/AC 4125
9 Density of Bituminous Core. 665
16 Job Mix 1 SDBC/BC/DBM (Job Mix Design) 17065
2 BM (Job Mix Design) Excluding Bitumin 7865
17 Thermoplastic Paint 1 Glass beed Content and grading analysis 4070 5965
2 Drying Time 835
3 Softeing Point 1060
18 Steel 1 Tensile strenght
2 Elongation Upto 16mm (3 Bars) 1340
3 Weight pet Meter Above 16mm (3 Bars) 1675
19 Emulsion 1 % Residue Test By Evaporation / Sieve Test 665
20 Wood 1 Density, Moisture Content 1115
21 Plywood 1 Determinartion of Moisture Content 3570
2 Determinartion of Density
3 Thickness of Plywood
22 Partical Board 1 Determinartion of Moisture Content 1675
2 Determinartion of Density
23 G. I. Pipe 1 Weight per running meter, Diameter of Pipe & Wall thickness of Pipe 275
24 PVC Pipe 1 Weight per running meter, Diameter of Pipe & Wall 280
25 Aluminium 1 thickness of Pipe Thickness Mass per Running meter 725
26 Non-Distructive Test 1 Rebound Hammer Test (1 Point) 280
2 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (1 Point) 390




Atterberg Limits Tests (Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Shrinkage Limit): These tests classify the soil based on its plasticity characteristics, which indicate how the soil will behave under changes in moisture content.

Proctor Compaction Test: Determines the optimal moisture content at which a soil type will achieve its maximum dry density. This test helps in ensuring the soil is compacted properly to support the pavement structure.

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test: Measures the strength of the subgrade soil and other materials through penetration resistance. It is widely used to design the thickness of pavements and road layers.

Soil Classification Tests (Sieve Analysis and Hydrometer Analysis): These tests classify the soil based on particle size distribution, which is crucial for understanding its permeability, compaction, and other physical properties.

Moisture Condition Value (MCV) Test: The MCV test involves testing a soil to determine the compactive effort beyond which no further increase in density occurs.


Sand Patch Test: Macro texture is measured by Sand Patch test. It is a measure of resistance to aquaplaning. A specific volume (25ml) complying with specific grading of sand is spread over the surface with use of the wooden disc with its face kept flat, in a circular motion so that the sand is spread into a circular patch with the surface depression filled to the level of the peaks. Measure either the radii of the dividers on the sand patch or practically the diameters at every 45 deg and calculate the mean of the 4 individual diameters (d) to nearest 1 mm.

Sideway Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine (SCRIM): The skid resistance of finished surface of road is checked by SCRIM. It operates by dragging a wheel at an angle to its direction of travel. Though the wheel is free to rotate the angular difference leads to a side way force, which is measured, and which gives a coefficient of friction. The test is carried out on a wet road surface since the presence of water leads to minimum skid resistance.

Polished Stone Value (PSV): Micro texture is quantified by the PSV. The test assesses whether an aggregate will polish under traffic, as this will be major determinant of the pavement skid resistance. It involves polishing aggregate specimen with a pneumatic Tyre coated with an abrasive paste.

Marshall Stability Test: This test evaluates the mix's ability to withstand loads. Acceptable values are project-specific, but a minimum stability of 800 lbs is commonly used.

Percentage Refusal Density Test: This is a measure of relative state of compaction of a site sample of laid DBM or asphalt concrete to that of a similar sample compacted to refusal (i.e., It will not compact further even though it may still contain void) lab conditions.

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