Comprehensive Bridge Inspection Form


Comprehensive Bridge Inspection Form



    Date of InspectionName and Designation of Inspecting OfficerResults of Inspection defect and proposed remedial measures Date Of completion of proposed repairs Remarks and signature of inspecting Officer


    Sr. No. Item Details
    (a) Name, No. of the Highway                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
    (b) Culverts / Bridges location km sub km
    (c) Name of the Bridge / No. of culvert
    (d) Name of the river/Nala/Creek
    (e) Type of Bridge
    (f) Openings
    i Numbers
    ii Span
    iii Maximum height of road level above bed
    iv Vertical clearance above H.F.L. upto soffit.....m height of H.F.L. above road level (for submersible bridge)........ m
    v Design flood discharge ......cumees design H.F. L.
    vi Type of foundation
    vii Total length
    viii Clear road width between kerbs or wheel guards
    ix Exposure : Severe / Moderate
    x High Level / submersible
    xi Design live load
    (g) Year of Construction
    (h) Original cost

    APPENDIX C ’’ - Comprehensive Inspection Form


    Sr. No. Item Compliance
    1 General
    1.1 Name of bridge / No. of the bridge, Name of the river
    1.2 Names, No. of the Highway, Bridge Location
    2 Type of Bridge
    High level / submersible/ High level submersible.
    3 (A) Date of last such inspection
    (B) Date of last routine inspection
    (c) Traffic Intensity PCU/T per day_____________M.T./day _____________PCU/day.
    (The latest census)
    4 Approaches
    4.1 * Condition of pavement surface (Report unevenness, settlement, cracking pot holes, etc.)
    4.2 * Side slopes (report pitched or unpitched, condition of pitching / turfing any signs of slope failure, etc.)
    4.3 Erosion of embankment by rains cuts or any other damage to embankment.
    4.4 * Approach slab (report settlement, cracks, movement, etc.)
    4.5 * Approach geometrics (report whether it satisfies the standards as in force.
    4.6 *Accumulation of silt and debris on submersible approaches in cutting and embankment.
    5 Protective Works
    5.1 Type (mention whether guidebund of protection around abutments or sours.
    5.2 * Report damage of the layout, cross section, profile (check whether the layout and the general cross sections are in order.
    5.3 Report condition of slope pitching, apron and toe walls indicating the nature of damage if any (check for proper slope, thickness, pitching in the slopes, width and thickness of apron, erosion of toe walls, etc.
    5.4 Report condition of floor protection works, indicate nature of damage if any (condition of impervious floor, flexible apron, curtain walls, etc.
    5.5 * Report any abnormal scour noticed.
    5.6 * Reserve stone material (check against specified quantity
    6 Waterway
    6.1 Report presence of obstruction, undergrowth, etc.
    6.2 * Report abnormal change in flow pattern.
    6.3 * Report maximum flood level observed during the year and mark the same on the pier/abutment both on the U/s and D/s.
    6.4 * Report abnormal afflux if any.
    6.5 Report adequacy of waterway
    7 Foundations
    7.1 Report settlement shifting (of wells) if any
    7.2 Report cracking disintegration, decay, erosion, cavitation, etc.
    7.3 Report damgae due to impact of floating bodies, boulders, etc.
    7.4 * For sub ways report see- page, if any, damage to the foundations etc.
    8 Substructure (Piers, abutments, return walls and wing walls.
    8.1 Report efficiency of drainage of the backfill behind abutments (Check functioning of weep holes, evidence of moisture on abutment faces, etc.)
    8.2 Report cracking , disintegration , decay, etc.
    8.3 * For sub way report condition of side retaining walls like cracking, disintegration, etc. and see page if any.
    8.4 Report large excavations done in the road below in case of flyover or Road over bridge or viaduct.
    8.5 Repost damages to protective measures to piers and abutments (for viaduct, flyovers and R.O. Bs.)
    8.6 Report damages to protective coating or paint.
    9 Bearings
    9.1 Metallic bearings (State types sliding plate/Rocker/Roller.)
    9.1.1 Report general condition(check rusting, cleanliness, ceasing of plates), silting accummulation of dirt in case of submersible bridges).
    9.1.2 * Functioning (report excessive movement, tilting, jumping of guides).
    9.1.3 Greasing /oil bath (report date of last greasing/oil bath and whether to be redone or not).
    9.1.4 * Report effectiveness of anchor bolts (check whether they are in position and tight).
    9.2 Elastomeric bearing (State No.).
    9.2.1 Report condition of pads (oxidation, creep, flattening, bulging, splitting.).
    9.2.2 Report general cleanliness.
    9.3 *Concrete bearings:
    9.3.1 Report any sign of distress, (cracking, spalling, disintegration staining etc.).
    9.3.2 Report any excessive tilting.
    9.3.3 Report loss of shape.
    9.3.4 Report general cleanliness.
    9.4 * Repost cracks, if any, in supporting member (abutment cap, pier cap, pedestal).
    10 Superstructure
    10.1 Reinforced concrete and prestresed concrete members.
    10.1.1 Report spalling, disintegration or honey-combing, etc.(Special attention to be given to points of bearings).
    10.1.2 Report cracking (pattern, location, explain preferably by plotting on sketch. A map of the cracking should be produced. The size and distribution of cracks and their penetration should be noted).
    10.1.3 Report available cover thickness to the reinforcement (Exposed reinforcement to be noted.)
    10.1.4 Report wear of deck surface.
    10.1.5 Report scaling (this is gradual and continuous loss of surface mortar and aggregate over irregular areas ).
    10.1.6 Report surface stains and rust stains with locations.
    10.1.7 Report leaching (Effects are most usually evident on the soffits or decks.).
    10.1.8 Report corrosion of reinforcement if any.
    10.1.9 *Report leakage (Leakage of water can take place through concrete decks, construction joints or thin component sections of the deck e.g. at kerbs etc.)
    10.1.10 Report damages if any due to moving vehicles.
    10.1.11 *Report condition of articulation (cracks if any)
    10.1.12 * Report perceptible vibrations if any
    10.1.13 *Report excessive deflection (sag) or loss of camber if any (measure at same point each time)
    10.1.14 *Report cracks if any in end anchorage zone for prestressed concrete members.
    10.1.15 *Report excessive deflection (sag) at central hinge, tip of cantilever for cantilever bridges.
    10.1.16 Prestressed concrete bridges should be given special attention and the possibility of the following additional defects should be noted.
    10.1.16 (a) Longitudinal cracks in flanges.
    10.1.16 (b) Spalling or cracking of concrete near curved cable ducts.
    10.1.16 (c) Shear cracks in webs nearer to support.
    10.1.17 In box girders, the interior faces of flanges and webs need to be examined for signs of cracking and also to ensure that no excessive accumulation of water or debris is taking place for submersible bridges. Interior diaphragms will also require examination, particularly for any signs of cracking at their junction to the webs.
    10.1.18 Report accumulation of silt and debris on surface of deck (for submersible bridges).
    10.1.19 Report peeling off of protective coat or paint.
    10.2 Steel Members
    10.2.1 Report condition of protective system.
    10.2.2 Report corrosion if any.
    10.2.3 *Report excessive vibrations, if any.
    10.2.4 * Report on alignment of members.
    10.2.5 Report condition of connection (adequacy, looseness, of rivets, bolts or worn out welds, report specially on connection of stringers to cross girders, cross girders to main girders, gussets or splices, condition of hinges, splices etc.).
    10.2.6 Report excessive loss of camber and excessive deflections and deformations if any.
    10.2.7 Report buckling, kinking, warping and waviness.
    10.2.8 Report on the cleanliness of members and joints(check choking of drainage holes provided in the bottom booms)
    10.2.9 Report fracture apparent if any
    10.2.10 Report excessive wear (such as in pins in joints of truss) and their locations requiring close monitoring
    10.2.11 Report conditions in side the closed member.
    10.3 Masonry arches.
    10.3.1 Report conditions of joints mortar, pointing, masonry, etc.
    10.3.2 Profile report (flattening by observing rise of the arch at centre and quarter points)
    10.3.3 Report cracks if any (indicate location, pattern, extent, depth, explain by sketches)
    10.3.4 Check drainage of spandrel fillings (report bulging of spandrel walls if any.)
    10.3.5 Check growth of vegetation.
    10.4 Cast Iron and Wrought Iron
    10.4.1 These materials occur in older bridges and the defect which they exhibit are in general very similar to those described above for steel. It should be recognised that the homogeneity and purity of the material will not be up to the standards of present days steels, so that the inspection process has to take into account a range of material variability. blow holes and cracking are probably the main defects that occur, the casting of the metal and cooling .
    11 Expansion Joints
    11.1 Functioning (Report cracks in deck in the existing gap and approximate temperatures)
    11.2 Report conditions of sealing material (for neoprene sealing material, check for splitting, oxidation, creep, flattening, bulging and for bitumen filler, checks for hardening, cracking, etc.).
    11.3 Report secureness of the joints.
    11.4 * Top sliding plate (report corrosion, damage to wels, etc.)
    11.5 * Locking of joints (report locking of joints especially for finger type expansion joints).
    11.6 Check for debris in open joints.
    11.7 Report rattling, if any
    11.8 Report drainage improvements for expansions joint needed, if any.
    12 Wearing Course
    12.1 Report surface condition (Cracks, spalling, disintegration, pot holes, etc.).
    12.2 Report evidence of wear (tell-tale rings, check for thickness as against actual thickness, report date of last inspection.
    12.3 Compare actual thickness with design thickness.
    13 Drainage, Spouts and Vent holes
    13.1 Check clogging, deterioration and damage, if any.
    13.2 Check the projection of the spout on the underside (see whether structural members are being effected).
    13.3 Report adequacy, thereof.
    13.4 For sub ways report about adequacy of drainage and pumping arrangements, etc.).
    13.5 For submersible bridges, report on functioning.
    14 Handrails, Parapets etc.
    14.1 Report general conditions (check expansion gaps, missing parts, if any, etc.)
    14.2 Report damage due to collision.
    14.3 Check alignment (report any abruptness in profile).
    15 Footpaths
    15.1 Report general condition (damage due to mounting of vehicles).
    15.2 Report missing footpath slabs.
    16 Utilities
    16.1 Report leakage of water and sewage pipes
    16.2 Report any damage by telephone and electric cables.
    16.3 Report condition of lighting facilities.
    16.4 Report damages due to any other utilities.
    17 Bridge Number
    17.1 Report condition of painting
    18 Aesthetics
    18.1 Report any visual intrusion (bill-boards, paints on structural members, etc.).
    19 Report whether all actions for maintenance and repairs recommended during last inspection have been done or not. (give details).

    20 Maintenance and Improvement recommendations
    Sr. No. Item needing attention Action Recommended Time when to be completed Remarks
    1 2 3 4 5


                              Deputy Engineer                                                          Executive Engineer

                P. W.  Sub-division, Dindori-2                                               P. W. (N) Division, Nashik                                                                                                 




                    Superintending  Engineer                                                                Chief Engineer

                  Public Works Circle, Nashik                                                     Public Works Region , Nashik

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