Execution of building Works according to the Specifications and instructions

Execution of building Works according to the Specifications and instructions 

            In order to ensure proper quality control sense of responsibility among engineering staff about duties assigned to them, the work and to create a sense of responsibility following are some instructions.

    1. Duties of Executive Engineers, Deputy Engr's, and sub-ordinate staff: -

        It has observed that the execution of works given out on contract, on some occasions is not carried out according to the specifications included in the contract, this is due to lack of proper supervision of the supervisory staff arising out of 

    (a) ignorance of classification and interpretation thereof in the field and 

    (b) laxity

        While the former could be improved upon by insisting on proper study and specifications before a person is posted on supervision of a particular work the latter viz. Laxity cannot be dealt with lightly. The Executive Engineer in charge of Divisions shall ensure that the supervisory staff is conversant with specifications of particular work before posting the person on a particular job, he should through his Deputy Engineer, ensure that a supervisory staff in cluding overseers, technical assistants, Mistris etc. are fully conversant with the specifications, attached to the tender. As a matter of course, a set of these documents should be kept on site for use of site staff. in spite of detailed instructions and briefing to the supervisory staff in regard to observance of specifications, and laxity is observed, appropriate disciplinary action against the supervisory staff should be taken.

    2. Maintenance of work order book at sites of work: -

    (a) If it is also noticed that on occasions some of the defects although notified by the Inspecting officers, are not brought to the notice of the contractors of the supervisory staff with a view to removing the defects already noticed and preventing recurrence of such defects in future in the same work or other works. This situation could be avoided by sufficient use of work order books maintained on work sites. A casual check would show that work order books are not being maintained properly by the Deputy Engineer or Executive Engineer. It is, therefore, the Executive Engineers should make full use of the work order book as and when necessary and also during their inspections check, whether the Deputy Engr's. have brought out to the notice of contractor any defects in the work from time to time. Whenever a supervisor Officer has entered an order, it should be noted in work order book. An extract should be submitted to the officer concerned through proper channel. This is with a view to obtaining confirmation in case of any doubt etc., and also for completing, the records in the various offices.

    (b) The supervisory staff below the rank of Deputy Engineer's, should not use work order book for writing such instructions to the contractors. They should follow the usual procedure by addressing letters to the superior authority, pointing out defects, under intimation to the contractors.

    (c) Compliance of remarks recorded in the work order book may be noted in the same book promptly and should be got authenticated from the Deputy Engineer and higher officers i.e. Deputy Engineers, Executive Engineers as and when necessary. If no entry regarding compliance has not been made and lapse should be dealt with properly. Although no hard and fast rules can be prescribed and need be prescribed, regarding the frequency of inspection by responsible officers like Executive Engineers, they are advised to chalk out regular programme of inspection of all major works in their charge, at least once in a month, if not more. Perhaps the frequency in case of minor works may be slightly less and this may be adopted by the Executive Engineer, on merits of each case. The work order book should be in custody of supervisory staff at site and must be available for inspection by superior officers on demand. the work order book is not produced, and lame excuses are put forward for the absence of work order book on work site. Failure, to produce the work order book on demand, by superior officer's should be treated as a lapse and should be dealt with severely.

    (d) The superintending Engineers are in overall control of the various divisions. They should during their Inspection of offices as well a visit to works should keep an eye on the proper maintenance of work order book. Any serious lapse noticed by them should be brought to the notice of the officers concerned for corrective action, if It is found that works are not being executed properly, they should point out the lapse to the Executive Engineers in the form of a letter or an inspection note and having issued such inspection notes should ensure that the compliance is made by the officers concerned expeditiously before it is too late, i.e. the defects should be got removed at the earliest opportunity with precautions to avoid recurrence of the same.

    3. Checking Measurements of works: -

    (a) According to the procedure laid down in Maharashtra public works Department Appendix 21 the Executive Engineer in charge of work is required to check measurements recorded by subordinate extent of 5% of cost of work when it exceeds Rs. 50000 /-. This does not mean that the Executive Engineer should not check measurements of work costing less than is. 50,000/-. The Executive Engineer is responsible for all works in progress in his division on contract basis (in regular contract) according to clauses in the agreement being the Engineer-In-Charge of the contract work and also for departmental works.

    (b) Generally Executive Engineers check measurements, of the works recorded in measurement books by subordinates, of items of simple nature (like parapet, walls, windows, doors etc.) to an extent of 5% of cost of the bill just to satisfy audit. Really speaking the Executive engineer can check the measurements of other more important items recorded in the measurement books for purpose of payment of bill.

    (c) In addition to 5% check of measurements, the Executive Engineer check measurements of items being executed at the time of the inspection, of few items to see that these are carried out as per approved plans and specifications. This will ensure some sense of responsibility among subordinate, staff supervising the work.

    4. Quality Control and testing of materials: -

    For building works costing Rs. 50,000/- or more it should be necessary to test materials, like lime, bricks, cement concrete and aggregate by sending samples to the laboratories to see whether they satisfy required I.S.I. Std. Specifications. The test register be maintained for materials tested and results received from test laboratories, be recorded therein. A suitable register form should be prescribed by superintending Engineer for test checking for inspection of inspecting officers on the lines of registers A and B prescribed by Government for consumption of cement for works.

    5. Completion of work of and refunding security deposit of contractors works: -

    (a) The building completed should not be handed over to Administration Department for their use unless the Executive Engineer is satisfied that the work done is as per approved plans and specifications. The final bill of works should not be passed by Executive Engineer unless they inspect the building for which the bill is prepared. In this connection the Executive Engineer's attention is also invited to Government Circular No.BDG.66-K-G dated 5-12-1966, regarding inspection of terrace treatment for water proofing of slabs and proper slopes to drain out rainwater to be provided therefor.

    (b) Before refunding security deposit (after 3 months from the date of final payments no objection certificate should be insisted upon from Deputy Engineer in charge of work. This should be issued after taking into consideration, the dues to be recovered from the contractors in respect of issues of cement, tools and plants and other materials. In addition, it is necessary to get no objection certificate from Deputy Engineer, stating that he has found no defects in work on his inspection of building. Suitable form for such certificate should be prescribed by Superintending Engineer.

    Note: -The above instructions are applicable to Electrical water supply and Sanitary Works and works executed by Zilla Parishads also.

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