NOC for Theater

 Inspection Report of the Theater and other public amusement duly licensed for use of cinema coming enforce of the Maharashtra Cinema Rules.

1Name of Theatre: _________ Talkies at ________ Dist._______.
2Location: Near _____________.
3Whether permit or use permeant: Quassi Permenant.
4purpose of which used: Public amusement
5Year of Construction:______
6Date of Inspection:____/_____ /________.
7Inspection Notice Fee for the year ______ Date ___/___/____ paid at ______ on ________ Branch ______ Dist._______.


ClassExeculisve of Passage detailsSeat as per 20 SeatsSeats as per licenceNo.of Seat in each ClassNo.of Seat in each Class
1st Class500.00 sq.ft.80 Seat8080 Seat80 Seat
2nd Class1642.00 sq.ft.280 Seat280280 Seat280 Seat
3rd ClassClass250 Seat250250 Seat250 Seat
Total610610 Seat610 Seat


8Whether the ceiling partition wall in private boxes in of fire resisting materials.:Celling of plaster portion of Masonry with plaster.
9If there any other space under the place of the auditorium? If so rented out or used as Godown.:question does not arise no land is given on rented basis on Godown.
10Is the minimum height between 1st their Balcony and the floor is of 10 ft.:
11Are the entrance and exist have any case to the public thorough fare what width if this through fare?:Yes. Width _____
12And are the No of exist provided to each class as laid down under this rule?:Yes.


ClassNo. of Exist requiredNo. of Exist ProvidedWidth of Exist
1st Class1 No.1 No.4'-0"
2nd Class2 No.2 No.4'-0"
3rd Class1 No.1 No.4'-0"


131) Accommodation details at the rate of 9 person per 100 sq.ft.of the floor area excluding the passage.: 1st Class 500.00 sq.ft. 80 Seats
2nd Class 1642.00 sq.ft. 280 Seats
3rd Class 1250.00 sq.ft. 250 Seats
2)Are all seats excluding those in boxes family secured to the floors.: Benches and chairs are firmly fixed to the floor.
3)Is the distance of 30 cm left between the back. : Yes.
I)What is the distance width of the screen: --- M.
II) What is the distance of first row from the screen?: --- M.
III) What is the distance of the serial No. II is more than No.1?: --
14I)What is width of the gangway provided at the center and at the gradient:Side Gangway are having 4'-0" width and 5'-0" gangway provided for 2nd class and 3rd class.
II)Are the gangway provided in slope, if in slope what is gradient?: --
III)Are the staircase leading from exists have width of 1.5 metre?: No Steps
15Does the staircase observe the minimum requirement as under.:No Stairs cases is provided hence question does not arise.
a)Size of trade and risers? --
b)No of filling with No. of Stages in each filling --
c)Size of ending. --
16In the area of ventilators is 1/5 there of total floors area?Yes.
17Area separated latrines urinals provided for Male Female?Yes.
18What are the details of Latrines and urinals?As below.


FloorNo. of Seats inLatrines required atLatrinesUrinalsUrinals
Gents1st 806 Nos.6 Nos.12 Nos.12 Nos.
2nd 280
3rd 250


19In the enclosures for the Projectors of sufficient dimension and sufficiently fie proof materials:Being quassi permanent theatre hence question does not arise
I)Are the entrance to this enclosers provided with fire resisting floors which open outside?Yes.
II)What are the no of openings? and it their sogetlerd?? provided in the front wall for projection of films? --
III)Are the opening fitted with screen of fire resistance materials complete of opening both from inside and outsidequestion does not arise.
VI)Is Separate rewinding room is provided? if yes, is it with fire resistant materials?The walls of rewinding room is or masonry and floor of GCI sheets.
20What is the screen width provided? Is it more than 3.85 m?Yes the width is 5.00 m.
21Area the sky light if provided projected by steed galvanized iron fire sheets.Question does not arise.
22Are lighting conductors provided? Is it more than 3.05 m?Yes.
23Are lighting conductors provided? Is it more than 3.50 m? are lighting conductor provider and in to fare they certified for their workingThe Certificate is enclosed.
24Are stores water tank? No are provided with capacity for each of them at the rate of 1135 liters per 100 persons each other.Yes, but not in working condition
25I)In indicator fitted on these tanks and if so, does it shown in proper working Yes, not in working condition
II)Is this tank provided with conveyers for the opening at the top?Yes.
III)Now may hydrant that are provided auditorium? what is the dia of the by hydrant? How many more than a8 CN? are these hydrants connected to the storage tank by zoonic of 7.5 cm in dia?1 no's
26Are fire bucket with concise base duly pointed with letters provided in sufficient Nos duly filed with water and sand.Yes.
27 Are chemical extinguishers sufficient in No of 13.5 liters capacity provided (for set premise only) do they show accorded of cleaning and recharge at their sides.Yes.
28Does the Obser's projector provided for the following.
1)Two Bucket of sand Yes.
2)Two Bucket of waterYes.
3)Two pressure type extinguishersYes.
4)Space kept in one of the buckets of water.Yes.
29Are all exists provided with the exist boards and are they will illuminate "M" (For the now premises only) --
30Do the curtain for the doors separates smooth without their trailing on the floorYes.
31Are block rooms provided too far as to bare use of them is telephone provided to for the care?Yes, Telephone No. (-----) -------------.
32Are No smoking boards in the and for auditorium?Not provided.
33Are premises outside the theaters are well illuminated during working period of the night period.Yes.
34Are Sufficient No of operators provided auditoriums?Yes.
35Is the theatre kept in clean and sanitized conditions?Yes, generally kept clean.


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