Public Works Data management Problems, Reasons and probable Solutions


    Public Works Data management Problems, Reasons and probable Solutions

Since the day I entered in the Division office I have observed few things about Technical staff, Blame game is never an option to improve working of organization,Higher official should act as team leader and not as Boss, when staff realises that their boss can't perform work tasks performed by them the respect for higher officials automatically gets reduced, at the same time when higher officials abuse staff for same tasks when not performed it's quite horrible scenario behind the scenes also such situations further aggravates the mind set of staff. Working as team is best solution to this.

In Engineering works officers must remember one thing they are engineers first then officers.

we need to find the problems then need to find solutions for the same.

i)        Mistakes in work :-

        Most of the Po's check estimates manually, even if PWD has prepared a software which can be used to check estimate results as well as DTP's.

        I have written article, shared its link, also most of the time i recommend people orally but still people hesitate to use it. If the field engineers prepare estimates on 'Civistimate ' then for PO's its just matter of few minutes to give technical sanction to Estimates all they need to do is

        a) Check the settings such as

1.       Cess % e.g. 21% in our case

2.       Area % increase e.g. Notified Tribal Area, Municipal limits etc

3.       Lead distances

4.       Bitumen current and SSR rates

5.       Measurements as per drawings attached

6.       Just overlook on rate analysis (in case the software people had done some mistakes while preparing it)

Most of the guidelines i have covered in ---> Link

ii)       Low efficiency:-

        Its result of manual working, Unavailability of desired number of computers and lack of knowledge of basic software's such as GoogleSheets, Excel, Word, PowerPoint etc may be the reasons behind it.

Repeating same work again and again is obviously boring.

iii)    No training:-

        The person who has to perform specific task never trained for how they can perform their task efficiently (Less Time, More Accuracy)

iv)    Lack of Coordination:-

        It is observed that there is lack of coordination between various branches of division, as everybody is busy in their own work data sharing is delayed as it is to be collected manually person to person. Unnecessarily increasing paper works which are thrown away after each meetings, resulting in huge waste of Paper, Toner ink and Electricity.

Project Officers Works:-

i)        Most of the time in giving information to circle office, now the same case in case of Circle and Region office PO's

ii)       That's leads to waste of time which can be utilized for upgradation of knowledge and skills

iii)     The same working system leads to mistakes in the information, as nobody knows or can verify accuracy of data, it becomes time consuming useless work :(

iv)     Every PO for same working head repeats its work in Data compilation.


Simple Solution :- Use of GoogleSheets


we can optimize its size by linking data to other Google sheets, by this way we can save data and we can also work on slow internet and low configuration Computers.

the following example demonstrates how to import data from another google sheet

=IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m_6VSyy4maFYhXQzGrAp5jsUrVj8NDW--XYDqT-OgNo/edit#gid=1189844215","Nabard (Div)!A1:AZ200")


Note:- Google sheet and Excel uploaded on google drive are different


        The reason for above note is, we have misconception about google sheets, uploaded excel cant be connected to one another hence problem in one time entry system, causing repetitive work.


As higher offices are interested in " Abstract " of data under their jurisdiction, Root offices can store detailed data and as we go up on hierarchy they can just get Abstract with links to detailed data if necessary.

Example of Abstract of 60 Roads data as shown in article --> Link

here is flow chart of my logic


1.          One time entry system

2.          No data mismatching (As duplication is avoided in 1 time entry system)

3.          Less time, more and reliable data

4.          No Panic in urgent situation

5.          Proper future planning of works is possible

6.          Easy data monitoring

7.          Helpful for quick decision making

8.          No blame games

9.          No need of telephonic communications for follow ups

10.      Saved time can be utilized for skill development and so on.....

In Note:- In monthly review meetings by Higher officials shall be kept Virtually and those the work sheet shall be shared on the screen, any matter related to any work, commitments or Targets shall be updated at same time by concerned officers which can be real time data monitoring and upgradation.


1) For AA, TS and work order record keeping :- it's easy if v keep record of works on online web blog with documents stored on google drive and accessible through links. To understand this I have kept records of GRs , Circular, books, Type Plans and Maps etc in blog link --> Blog Link


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